On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 18:27, Francois Botha <igi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The Barracuda Web Filter does the same thing.  I've heard other reports of 
>> this.
>> I guess I'm not sure that we can reasonably work around this without
>> adding some sort of magic token to the response that we look for
>> (ugh).
>> -D
> I don't have the exact URL offhand anymore, but I remember it was just
> a plain-text response with a number. Can't remember whether it
> included periods as well.
> A basic regex test should take care of it, right? I doubt a proxy
> server will ever return a page that looks similar to the update page.

Sure, it is doable, of course.  It is just a matter it being an ugly
thing to do.

The other factor is: What should we do when we get a response that
doesn't contain the magic token?
Suppress any UI?
Pop up an error message?

I'm probably in favor of the latter (displaying a message about
invalid content being received when checking for a new release).


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