On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 04:42:31PM +0100, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> El día Tuesday, November 23, 2010 a las 10:37:08AM -0500, Michael Secord 
> escribió:
> > As has been mentioned multiple times in this list, and would turn up if
> > you searched, update to v2.7.6.
> No, even in 2.7.6 it is not fixed; it depends on which server you will
> be directed by DNS for omega.contacts.msn.com; see my posting in this
> list Message-ID: <20101122123145.ga90...@current.sisis.de>
>       matthias

When built with NSS/NSPR 2.7.6 does almost completely fix the problem.
Some people still have initial connection failures but a retry or two is
usually enough to sort that out and get things working.

Unfortunately, when built with GnuTLS 2.7.6 is still broken for the
incorrectly configured servers because of a difference in how GnuTLS
handles presenting libpurple the certificate chain. A problem that was not
detected in the limited testing that was done before the release.

Fixes for both of those issues have been found and committed to mtn.


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