On Thu, Jul 07, 2011 at 01:28:29PM -0400, Poindexter, Susan wrote:
> Hello,
> In my Buddy list on Pigeon I have a chat conferencing room I joined.  Is
> there a way when in the conf room to set an alert when someone has
> posted a message in the room?
> Thank you!

Depends on what you mean by alert. There are sound events for people
talking in chat rooms (though not configurable per-chatroom). You can also
use the Message Notification plugin to set a variety of different
notifications when people say things in chat rooms (again not configurable
per-chatroom). The SmartEar plugin (from the purple plugin pack) might
have some things that may do what you want (and may be configurable
per-chatroom). The guifications and/or libnotify plugins provide "toaster
pop-up" notifications on events (among them messages in chatrooms) and I
believe guifications is configurable per-chatroom.


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