On Wed, 13 Jul 2011 13:12:08 +0300
Göksel Albeni <goksel_alb...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Kurdish is not the official language of Turkey.Our language is Turkish.
> Fix it or i will report you to court.Kurdish is not official and not a
> common language of Turkey !!!
It is entirely possible that Pidgin is incorrectly configured, did you
even look at the localisation and spell checking options as regarding
Turkish/Kurdish on installation?

One other thing, Pidgin is written and provided as free software. Go
and look up what that implies, and what freedoms it provides. You are
free to use it, change it as you please provided that you respect the
licence Pidgin is released under, and as an extra special favour you
get to keep the pieces when it breaks.

This list is to give support provided by volunteers for software
written by people who do it out of the goodness of their hearts rather
than for any profit motive.

In the meantime, I expect you can easily resolve your complaint by
looking at this page http://pidgin.im/about/ where you will see that
both Turkish and Kurdish are listed as supported languages, meaning
that it is possible to configure your system to use the one you prefer
although you may need to adjust your system settings. You can find help
with this here:


The first two questions and answers in this section will tell you how
to select Turkish as your language.

In future I suggest you moderate the tone of your requests (actually
it's a demand, these are usually ignored here) because as I said above
Pidgin is provided to you to use as you wish and being impolite and
unpleasant to those who are helping you out of altruism is generally
regarded very dimly in the civilised world.


Brian Morrison

                "I am not young enough to know everything"
                                                          Oscar Wilde

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