On Sun, 24 Jul 2011 13:54:27 +0630
KilleR MhDr <mahind...@gmail.com> wrote:

> i am beginner user of fedora 14, i wanna use gtalk at fedora but have not
> installer to use. i had found pidgin to use like gtalk, thus i install
> already but i cannot login

You need to set up an account in Pidgin using XMPP. In the account tab
of the Account properties you enter your username as shown in your from
address to this list, and the domain as gmail.com, then you can enter
your password and a Resource string describing what you want (I use
'Home' for instance, but anything will do).

On the advanced tab I have connect port as 5222 and connect server as
talk.google.com which I believe is all that is necessary.

Try that and ask again if it doesn't work for you.


Brian Morrison

                "I am not young enough to know everything"
                                                          Oscar Wilde

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