seems like the problem lies with my aol then as i cannot get into my aims 
messenger but thank you for your advise

 From: David Woolley <>
To: Debs Collins <> 
Cc: "" <> 
Sent: Saturday, 14 January 2012, 10:37
Subject: Re: not working
Debs Collins wrote:
> I tried to log into my pidgin last night and it wouldn't accept my account 
> saying invalid password/ username i tried to sort this and an error401 keeps 
> coming up. I tried to authenticate my pidgin again but still nothing.Could 
> you give me some advise on this please.

You can't log in to Pidgin.  Pidgin is a client, which allows you to log  in to 
many different instant messaging services.  Your problem is with logging in to 
one of those services.  The specific error number will be coming from that 

The contents of Pidgin's debug window may help identify the service and the 
stage at which the process is failing, but interpreting the error code probably 
requires reference to the documentation for the particular service, or contact 
that service's support department.

-- David Woolley
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