On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 17:59, Sam Jesberg <samjesb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> My company wants to use pidgin to auto login. We already have our internal
> chat server using LDAP.
> So for example, myself (AD account) username: samujesb1 password: qwe123$!

I hope that is not your real password :)

> I log into a PC with those credentials, those are the same credentials I
> also log into our chat server with.
> Is there a way when I log into a PC with my AD credentials it also logs into
> the our chat server using Pidgin with the same credentials?

There are two parts of this - the first one is whether or not your IM
server can support such a thing and the the second part is getting
Pidgin to use your credentials.

It's all theoretically possible, but it's pretty non-trivial.
At one point, I had a an Openfire XMPP server set up to do this with
Pidgin clients running on Windows, but it required jumping through
quite a few hoops.


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