Ethan Blanton:
> auto59872302 spake unto us the following wisdom:
>> Apparently, obvious though it is to most of us, it hasn't sunk in with
>> you, Vinay, so let me see if I can help out a bit with piercing through
>> that dense skull of yours. This is NOT a group for advertising plugs. It
>> is a support group for Pidgin. We prefer to avoid your spamming
>> techniques for drumming up business, Vinay.
>> Try to get a grip on what respect means and "follow up" on such
>> conversations privately.  Don't hijack our list for your convenience.
> Looks like it's time for another announcement on how to deal with
> spam...
> I already put this guy in the spam filters, he won't be making it
> through again.  There's no need, in general, to reply to the list to
> "deal with" spam.  If you notice a high level of leakage, let a Pidgin
> developer know so we can deal with it --- but note that almost all of
> the "list" spam I get doesn't actually pass through lists on its way
> to my inbox.  I believe spammers put list addresses in the To/Cc, but
> send the mail directly, to try to defeat spam filters.  You can
> determine if a spam actually passed through the list (as this one did)
> by consulting the headers.

Ethan, sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused you. That was far
from my intentions, I assure you. I will follow your advice about
handing them in the future. But I have a question about one point in
your instructions. So that I can recognize it better, would you explain
this differently:

> "... all of
> the "list" spam I get doesn't actually pass through lists on its way
> to my inbox.  I believe spammers put list addresses in the To/Cc, but
> send the mail directly, to try to defeat spam filters..."

I am not following your meaning there. Thanks.

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