On 09/16/2012 09:52 AM, David Woolley wrote:
nospam2009archive wrote:
On 09/16/2012 08:51 AM, Shlomi Fish wrote:
Hi nospam2009archive,

I reported it and it seems that upgrade to gtk+2.0 2.24.12 fixes it. Other gtk+2.0

"Package gtk2-2.24.11-1.fc17.x86_64 already installed and latest version"

One of the big problems in using packages is that they can often be months or even years behind the latest version. You may have the latest version available from the Fedora 17 repository, but it is a ...11 version and the latest version is a ...12 version. In this case, it seems to only be 13 days old, which is pushing things even for a key package. ...11 is only 2 months old, so you should have to wait too long for the re-package. I don't know if ...11 is security fix; packagers give priority to these.

I followed Mr. Fish's advice and checked the fedora repositories...nada...nothing updated in testing either. I suppose compiling it from source will turn a few things to hamburger? ( sent private to Mr. Woolley because I forgot to hit reply-to-all )

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