Here are the errors I am receiving.  It has been working for 4 years and
then a week ago it just stopped connecting.

(12:55:48) proxy: Connecting to
(12:55:48) proxy: Error connecting to timed out.).
(12:55:48) proxy: Connection attempt failed: Connection timed out.
(12:55:48) jabber: Unable to connect to server: Connection timed out..
 Trying next SRV record or connecting directly.

On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Ethan Blanton <> wrote:

> Art spake unto us the following wisdom:
> > Connecting with the various chat providers is very shaky in Pidgin.
> > They all provide text, but anything beyond that is iffy.
> This entire email is wrong.  I mean, aside from the not wanting to use
> Google any more, that may be correct, but it's an opinion.  Pidgin is
> perfectly stable and functional using GMail Chat.
> Rich, you're going to have to let us know what the actual connection
> error is before we can help you more.  The error dialog may give you
> more information, or the debug window (Help | Debug Window) will
> certainly have more information.
> Ethan
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> =fmOj
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