> *Hi Tres,
> all your questions solved my problems. Thank you for this!
> I will keep an eye on the Status/Idle and see if it works fine or is there
> something on my PC that behaves strange.
> I wish to ask this additional question: Is there a way to log entirely
> what is displayed when I move the mouse over a contact and see all the
> details or is this something that has to be done from the XMPP service
> provider?
> I use Olark as system and your software for interfacing to their system.
> I refer to this
> http://getdpd.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/olark-pidgin.png for
> what I ask as logging all the data displayed.*


I'm glad your problems were resolved.

As far as keeping a log of all of the xmpp/olark contact details, I'm not
familiar with that.  Perhaps someone else on this mailing list will be able
to assist you.

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