I'm sorry, what is my "local red?"

On Friday, June 27, 2014, Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de> wrote:

> El día Friday, June 27, 2014 a las 04:35:17PM -0600, Paul Suliin escribió:
> >    I am getting "Unable to connect. Connection refused" errors when
> >    attempting to log in to Yahoo.Â
> >    I am running Windows 7.Â
> >    This is a new problem. Yesterday was fine.Â
> >    I was running Pidgin 2.10.6, then upgraded to 2.10.9 hoping to fix the
> >    problem. The problem continues.
> >    This does not appear to be an account issue. The issue occurs on
> >    multiple Yahoo accounts with Pidgin but does not happen with Yahoo's
> >    Web Messenger. I am also able to log in to my email without a hitch.
> Looks like a local firewall issue, either in your Win7 itself, or your
> local red.
>         matthias
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Paul Suliin
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