On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 4:57 PM, Doctor Who <who_doc...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi:
> I just received notification through pidgin that a new version is
available. However, once downloaded I noticed the the digital certificate
is NOT valid! Has the server been compromised?

What exactly do you mean by "I noticed the the digital certificate is NOT
contains instructions for how to validate the signatures.

> Also, I tried signing up for an account on the pidgin.im website last
week. And I never receved a confirmation email. But while my browser was
still caching my signup info I could access my preferences etc.. I kept
clicking resend confirmation email. But never received anything.
> Once I restarted, the site asked for my login which now does not work.
When I try to reset the password I never receive the password reset email.
But when I try to create another account, assuming it did not go through
the first time, I am informed that an account for my email already exists.
So I seem to be stuck in limbo. Is the pidgin.im website broken? What's
going on?

Check your spam mailbox.
I can see that you created an account with this email address 6 days ago
and that emails were sent successfully.

> Can anyone help me out here? My reason for wanting an account was to post
a bug. There is no other contact info or way to get anyone's attention on
the website. So I figured I would give the mailing list a try.
> Regards
> Tom
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