On a mixed Mac-PC network, with Macs using Messages (iChat) or sAdium and PCs 
using Pidgin, a configuration that’s worked problem-free for a couple of years, 
recently all the PC users started losing their buddy list entries by mid-day, 
every day.  When first turned on in the morning, all online computers, Macs and 
PCs, are in the list, but over a period of several hours they disappear, either 
in groups or all at once.  This happens simultaneously on all the PCs; they all 
show the same buddy list, whether complete or not. The PCs disappear from the 
Mac users’  buddy lists as they lose their own lists, and the PCs even 
disappear from the other PCs’ buddy lists.  Restarting Pidgin or the PCs 
doesn’t help, but when the PCs are turned on the next morning their buddy lists 
start out fully-populated again.

Anybody seen this before, or have any ideas on what could be causing it ?

[This is a shorter version of a question posed a month or so ago that got no 
responses; hoping for better results with a shorter post this time!]



Kevin Justie
Ass't. Director, Head of Automated Services & Technology
Morton Grove Public Library
Morton Grove, IL
Direct: 847-929-5110
Main: 847-965-4220

Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect official Library policy.

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