[Second post, sorry for the noise, but no answer so far.
Please tell me if this post is out of context or something of the sort.]

/[//Platform: Ubuntu 14.04.5 Desktop LTS with Lx kernel 4.4.0-41-generic #61 //]/

Whenever I send a link with Telegram (Purple) on Pidgin 2.10.9, said http link does not show on my screen/side of the IM session. Chat partners (on Win with Telegram for Windows 7 or on Apple with Telegram for Mac OS X) have no trouble to see the received link.
On my chat window, it becomes visible only when I cursor-hover over it.

Same thing when I receive a link from outside in Telegram on Pidgin. I receive the link but must hover over it to see it. Otherwise it is invisible.I can also select it, double click and open it at will.

Any clue as to why, anybody? -cedric

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