!!! Please do not reply directly to me but address further comments to 
support@pidgin.im !!!

In reply to all three questions quoted below:

Pidgin is a multi-protocol chat *client*, and as such uses 3rd-party servers 
and protocols, one of which is AIM.

According to the notification, come December 15th, access to the AIM servers 
will be turned off, so Pidgin will not be able to access them (just as the 
native AIM client).

In order to continue chatting with your buddies that currently use AIM, both of 
you will have to use another protocol, on a different server, and that means a 
new account.

My personal recommendation is to move to Jabber (XMPP), which is natively 
supported by Pidgin and Trillian.

!!! Please do not reply directly to me but address further comments to 
support@pidgin.im !!!

On 2017-10-06 11:23 AM, Vinny Napolitano wrote:
Good Morning,
It has been announced that AIM is going away on December 15th,2017. Here at 
Livermore we have 1 of our users on Pidgin and the other 6-7 users use a 
variety of different instant messaging programs.  The programs are all AIM 
based.  Does Pidgin use AIM?  What plans does Pidgin have to address this AIM 
issue ?  Please advise.

On 2017-10-06 12:08 PM, Nancy Becker wrote:
I received a message from AOL that AIM will cease to work after December 15, 
2017. Will this also affect PIDGIN ? I run a Mac platform and currently have my 
instant messaging setup using ADIUM but the account is an AOL IM account.

Trying to figure out if I need to setup a completely new account or what. I use 
this to message back and forth with my co-worker who will have the same problem 
- she runs a Windows platform and uses Trillian for her setup.

Thanks in advance for any help!

On 2017-10-06 11:26 AM, Kristen Welsh wrote:
AIM is discontinuing on December 15, 2017. Will we still be able to connect and 
chat with AIM contacts through Pidgin after Dec 15th?

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