> #! /usr/bin/python3
> import sys
> import dbus
> from pydbus import SessionBus
> def usage():
>     text = '''
>     ./presence.py busy FIRSTNAME ACCOUNT
>     ./presence.py avail FIRSTNAME ACCOUNT
>     FIRSTNAME: first name.
>     ACCOUNT: the alias of the account presence to change
>     Example:
>     ./presence.py busy claudio resource5
>                 --> sets resource5 to busy with msg: "claudio using resource5"
>     ./presence.py avail claudio resource5
>                 --> claudio frees up resource5, status set to avail.
>     '''
>     print(text)
>     sys.exit(1)
> #sys.argv = ["./presence.py", "busy", "claudio", "resource5"]
> if len(sys.argv) != 4:
>     print(len(sys.argv))
>     usage()
> if (sys.argv[1]) == "busy":
>     arg_status = "Do Not Disturb"
> elif (sys.argv[1]) == "avail":
>     arg_status = "Available"
> else:
>     usage()
> arg_firstname = sys.argv[2]
> arg_account = sys.argv[3]
> print("presence: connecting to PurpleService")
> bus = SessionBus()
> try:
>     p = bus.get("im.pidgin.purple.PurpleService",
>                 "/im/pidgin/purple/PurpleObject")
> except:
>     sys.exit("presence: failed to connect to PurpleService")
> accounts = p.PurpleAccountsGetAll()
> if len(accounts) == 0:
>     sys.exit("presence: no account found.")
> for account in accounts:
>     alias = p.PurpleAccountGetAlias(account)
>     print(alias + " is accountid " + str(account))
>     if (alias != arg_account):
>         print("presence: skipping account " + alias)
>         continue
>     print("presence: found account " + alias)
>     presence = p.PurpleAccountGetPresence(account)
>     status = p.PurplePresenceGetActiveStatus(presence)
>     status_type = p.PurpleStatusGetType(status)
>     status_type_name = p.PurpleStatusTypeGetName(status_type)
>     if (status_type_name == arg_status):
>         sys.exit("presence: account is already " + arg_status)
>     status_type_list = p.PurpleAccountGetStatusTypes(account)
>     status_id = "";
>     for status_type in status_type_list:
>         status_type_name = p.PurpleStatusTypeGetName(status_type)
>         print("status_type_name in status_type_list = " + status_type_name)
>         if (status_type_name == arg_status):
>             status_id = p.PurpleStatusTypeGetId(status_type)

here I am missing a

(just noticed). Does not fix the problem though, my script seems to run 
but the client (finch) does not show any changes in my status.

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