24.12.2018 6:50, Eion Robb wrote:

> Thanks for testing :)  There's obviously a few rough edges to the plugin 
> since it's only 24 hours old,
> sorry about the old messages appearing.  That's going to keep happening every 
> time you connect to the account for now.

Can you temporary add a setting to not show incoming messages that are older 
than specified time (in days)
and came in less than a couple of seconds since last (re-)connect?

> I don't think there'll be any way to fix receiving old ICQ client messages - 
> unless they also show up on web.icq.com <http://web.icq.com> ?
> If it helps, the old ICQ clients won't work after the end of the year anyway.
> You can debug everything that's going on through the Pidgin debug log:   from 
> the Buddy List,  Help->Debug Window

I'll test.

I've created FreeBSD port net-im/pidgin-icyque for this your work and added it
to official FreeBSD Ports Collection, so FreeBSD users have a package readily 

In case of significant updates, can you please send small notification to the 
or off-list directly to me so I update the port and it does not stall?

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