On 08/12/2020 01:41, Stephen Marando wrote:

I am trying to scrub my email from google searches, and the last result
that comes up is the following link:

Is there any way to get my e-mail removed from this listing, or delete it
altogether? It is super old so there doesn't appear to be anything I can do
about it myself.

I know this is an odd request, so thanks for taking the time. Hopefully
someone still monitors one of these e-mails haha.

It's not that odd, otherwise there wouldn't be a FAQ entry for it. The answer is no (and you have just refreshed your email address on the list!). See <https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/PidginCommunity#WhyWontYouRemoveMyMailingListPosts>.

Please note that I am not a list admin and cannot manipulate even one of the list archives.

Normally I would copy this to you, at the same time as posting to the list, but I'll do that separately, to avoid a further copy of your address.

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