Brett Porter wrote:
Sorry, read these out of order with my other response :)

On 01/06/2007, at 2:29 AM, Kenney Westerhof wrote:

I'll have to see what the issues are, but there are some usecases for flat classloading apps, where surefire needs everything in the system classloader. I'm sure you understand the need for this feature - i've tried to convince people otherwise but finally saw that
it was a valid usecase.

Ok, makes sense. It's more consistent with how IDEs run it too.

However, I'm rethinking setting it to default (which I did) - seems best to retain it as false. I did it because of another regression where clases in the system classloader weren't found in tests by default any more. I think that's just an omission in creating the isolated classloader that can be fixed differently.

Hm, that shouldn't have anything to do with this approach. Surefire and
the test classes are (IIRC) all in the system classloader - at least according
to the manifest. I think there are no extra classloaders created when running
with useSystemClassLoader=true; at least that should be the case.

The regressions may have to do with the issue I described in the other mail, 
that the
directories need to end in /; test-classes are typically located in 
so this may be the issue there.

Anyway, I think useSystemClassLoader should be false by default, as it's not really safe. See below.

On 25/05/2007, at 5:01 PM, Brett Porter wrote:
I'm starting to find a number of bugs related to useSystemClassLoader, by virtue of it being a forked JAR call. I'd be interested to get more input on why this route was taken and how the classloading in general works now (would be a handy document to have).

See above for the reason of this solution.

Which bugs exactly?

There were a couple I fixed up already (not working on windows because of the urls in the manifest, seem to be fine now which is the urlutils thing I used - hope it still works for you). There are 334 (easy to fix) and 335 (doesn't look critical).

334: indeed, if you run all in the system classloader, surefire and it's 
are present there too. There's no real easy way around this. I can think of two 

1) reorder the manifest classpath to put surefire last, perhaps the booter 
first. This may
  introduce conflicts when running this on surefire itself, or when the tests 
include a dep
  on anything surefire uses. Since 2 classpaths are merged, there are duplicate 
entries. If you
  filter them out, which one should you take - the one surefire mentions, so 
surefire works, but the
  tests are invalid, or the one the project declares, where surefire may no 
longer work.

2) Add a single class without dependencies to the test classpath as the Main 
(so not surefire-booter),
  that reads the surefire*.tmp files and constructs a new classloader (child of 
system), containing
  surefire and surefirebooter.
  Also put no surefire deps in the test classpath. Either create a new project 
(with the single class and no deps)
  and add that as a dep to the jar classpath, or copy the class into the 
test-classes directory (from
  the surefire-booter project, using 
getResourceAsstream("org/apache/maven/surefire/Main.class") or something.

I think the 2nd option is best - the jar itself should not contain any surefire 
classes, except the main one.

wdyt? We can also just say 'dont use this except you're dealing with legacy 
apps that don't understand classloading',
which rules out all maven code. The usesystemclasspath

issue 335: must be the '/' bug i fixed (which was not ported to trunk).
Do you have a testcase; can you reproduce this?

I'd definitely be interested in getting together a doc on how the classloading works though. I can certainly do it by investigation, but if you have any thoughts you could jot down that'd be great :)

Sure, but it may require some more changes..

The idea is that there are 2 classloaders; the parent containing the tests, the 
child containing surefire,
as to avoid polution. The child should have 'childFirst' set to true (so the 
surefire loader is consulted first,
then the test classloader. For testing surefire itself, you'll have the same setup and it should work fine, as the tests themselves
are only present in the parent classloader. When those tests load surefire 
classes, they come from the parent,
so the correct classes are tested. The classes in the surefire child 
classloader are invisible to the parent
and will not pollute the parent. That's the idea.

There are currently 3 operating modes:
- forkmode none
   parent loader: isolated (no parent, not even system) classloader with tests
   child loader: parent=parent loader, configured by plugin/booter, containing 
- forkmode once/pertest, usesystemclassloader=false
 have to check the code for this one, but i think it's something like this:
   system classloader: contains surefire booter+deps
   parent loader: isolated (no parent) loader with test classes
   child loader: parent=parent loader, contains surefire provider (junit etc)
- forkmode once/pertest, usesystemcl=true
   system classloader: contains tests and surefire booter + deps:
   child loader: parent is system loader, contains surefire provider+deps

That's how it is right now, but the code may be different atm - it's been a 
while since I worked on this.

If you have any more questions or need some help, don't hesitate to ask.



Also, can you check whether should be closed as fixed as it was originally, and a new issue created for their problems, or if it wasn't in fact fixed?

It was fixed; i asked for feedback there. No idea why it doesn't work for them. I do however know there were issues with the surefire plugin, but haven't seen those problems since.

Cool, I'll take another look.


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