On Nov 20, 2007 4:24 AM, Dan Fabulich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm busily wiring up the tests found in maven-surefire-plugin/src/it into
> the new IT module I set up earlier.  One of these, "test7", tests a
> project that has a JUnit test and a TestNG test in the same project.
> The Surefire documentation says that if you put both TestNG and JUnit on
> your classpath, TestNG is used to run all of the tests:
> http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-surefire-plugin/usage.html
> "[...] (including if you are using TestNG to execute your JUnit tests,
> which occurs by default if both are present in Surefire)."
> Currently test7 is failing, because the JUnit test isn't getting run; only
> the TestNG test is running.
> I think that makes sense: Surefire is just presenting both classes to
> TestNG as classes to run, but we don't explictly set junit=true in TestNG,
> so the JUnit test appears to have no tests in it (it has no @Test
> annotations).
> Unfortunately, if you DO set junit=true in TestNG, you only get the JUnit
> test to run!  The only way to get TestNG to run both JUnit and non-JUnit
> tests is to separate them out in advance, passing in a list of JUnit tests
> marked with junit=true, and a separate list of TestNG tests.
> I think that whoever wrote that bit of documentation assumed (incorrectly)
> that TestNG had already written code that could automatically determine
> the difference between TestNG tests and JUnit tests and "do the right
> thing" with each.  (There are definitely some unclear cases; what about a
> JUnit test with some TestNG annotations that would contradict the default
> JUnit semantics?  This isn't even terribly unlikely, especially if you're
> trying to gradually convert your tests over to TestNG.)
> As I see it, here are the options:
> 1) Don't support mixing JUnit tests with TestNG tests in a single Surefire
> execution.  Clever users can, if they absolutely must, try to configure
> two executions of Surefire, one of which has junit=true, the other of
> which doesn't.  The advantage of this is that this is what the code
> already does.
> 2) Try to write the code to separate out the tests ourselves in Surefire.
> (This is high magic...  I don't think I want to do this.)
> Frankly, I don't like either of the options, but if I had to pick, I'd
> pick #1.
> More generally, I think we're stuck in a difficult spot because of the
> design assumptions of Surefire.  (I'll write up a separate post on what I
> think about that.)
> -Dan

Don't remember the specific code, but do you have access to the class
or is it just a string? Because if we have a class then we can test
for its JUnit inheritance to determine if it is or not JUnit.

Otherwise, I think I would go with 1.

.w( the_mindstorm )p.
 TestNG co-founder
EclipseTestNG Creator

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