I forgot, there's one more issue that should really get into Surefire 2.4: SUREFIRE-303 http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-303 "Ignored/Skipped tests are not reported"

Currently there's no standard on the ground for how JUnit 4 @Ignores should be handled. TestNG has a reasonable example (they put <skipped> elements into the JUnit XML); we should, I suppose, follow their lead, though I'm afraid the Ant/JUnit teams will decide to call it <ignored> instead...

Still, I think we'd better clarify this before we try to support something non-standard in Surefire 2.4.


Dan Fabulich wrote:

As you should all know by now, I've been on a hard sprint most of this week to get a reasonable-looking Surefire 2.4 out the door. I think we're basically where I want it to be.

Just three main areas remain.

1) useSystemClassLoader issues
2) Snapshot dependencies
3) Measuring code coverage
and finally a remark 4) Dan takes a breather

1) useSystemClassLoader issues

Notably a lot of the very trickiest Surefire bugs we've gotten have all been "Not Reproducible" or "Won't Fix", because all you have to do is set useSystemClassLoader=true and things "just work." I'd love to make that the default setting for Surefire, but there's some stuff in the way that worries me about doing that.

SUREFIRE-334 (targeted for 2.3.1) points out that we're depending on a good chunk of plexus stuff in Surefire, and that this would infect the AUT if we just set useSystemClassLoader=true. 332 and 347 are probably dupes of this issue, but these things are subtle so I haven't closed them yet.

Jason suggested that we might use the maven-shade-plugin to shade our plexus dependencies (repackaging them in different package names and updating dependencies); it's a good idea, but maven-shade-plugin fails to work properly on the plexus archiver (it doesn't translate interfaces correctly, apparently?).

It would be great to resolve this issue and make useSystemClassLoader the default BEFORE 2.4 ships (it *is* targeted for 2.3.1). I think Brett has claimed these. (The other 2.3.1 bug 335 is a weird one, suggesting that we might somehow useSystemClassLoader without forking; that sounds like nonsense to me and I'd be curious to hear someone [Brett] comment on it.)

2) Snapshot dependencies (SUREFIRE-394)

2.4 depends on plexus-utils 1.4.8-SNAPSHOT; it should be released before we release Surefire 2.4.

Up until last week or so we used to depend on plexus-archiver alpha-10-SNAPSHOT, but that created ICCEs (see SUREFIRE-389) and so I downgraded to alpha-7. If we DO need alpha-10-SNAPSHOT, then we'll need to figure out the dependency issue (perhaps by fixing SUREFIRE-334 and applying maven-shade-plugin?). jdcasey apparently knew why we needed alpha-10, but I still don't; my integration tests are all passing without it.

3) Measuring code coverage

I wrote all these tests! How good are they? Measuring the coverage of out-of-proc integration tests seems to be pretty tricky, though not impossible. Any ideas?

4) Dan takes a breather

I've been focused on getting this far all week, but I'll be basically useless for most of the next week, maybe two. I'll try to be available to answer e-mail and chat, but this next week I won't be doing a lot of coding.

I'd appreciate it if somebody non-me were to take up the baton and help get this release out sometime this week (we're so close)! :-)

OK, that's it.  Let me know if you have questions.  I'm off to bed!


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