Le 12 mars 2011, Johan Haspeslagh a écrit :
> Also this system is flawed. 
> The premise is that the real personal ear
> response is used to create XTC filters.

"Pure Stereo" is better BACCH cross-talk cancellation using personal ear
measurements. I have a recent version of a "general" BACCH filter
(thanks to E. Choueiri) and it enhances my stereo listening experience
almost like a physical barrier does. A personalized "Pure Stereo"
filter (prepared with a personal ear response) would add less
colouration and would yield a better stereo image.

> The source material needs to be binaural. For all other source types
> the space recreation is as unreal as in a normal stereo loudspeaker
> setup.

Binaural recordings should normally be heard with headphones, not with
loudspeakers. Cross-talk cancellation works with loudspeakers, with any
stereo recording.

> At the recording end it is improbable (and impractiacal) to use your
> personal binaural head for recording. So the recording-playback chain
> is as imperfect as any other.
> Johan

Recording with a personal binaural head is not required. One head
is required: the own listener's head, only when listening. A personal
filter just matches better with the listener's head for better
cross-talk cancellation. And for best mastering results, stereo
monitoring can be cross-talk cancelled with the use of a physical
barrier (or a personal filter).


> Op vrijdag 11 maart 2011 10:00:29 schreef John Leonard:
> > Posted on another list.
> >
> > http://www.princeton.edu/3D3A/Publications/Pure%20Stereo.pdf
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > John
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