
As I mentioned earlier, I was working on packaging ambdec for Mac OS
X. I've got it done and tested but for now it will only work on 10.6
(Snow Leopard). As soon as I get to compile it for 32 bits I'll post
another installer for Mac OS 10.5.

The installer will put ambdec in /usr/local/bin, libraries in
/usr/local/lib (as the original installer would do) and the presets in
/usr/local/share/ambdec_presets. I also made a launcher that is
installed in your Applications folder together with the presets (all
in a folder named ambdec) for those who don't want to use a terminal.
If you rather start ambdec from a terminal then during the
installation you can select to customize the install and deselect the

You should have X11 installed (usually there by default, check in your
/Applications/Utilities folder) and also JacOSX (the dual 32/64 bits
version for Mac OS 10.6). Jack should be started before running ambdec
and X11 will start automatically when you start ambdec.

The only know issue using the launcher is that the system doesn't
detect that ambdec has started so the ambdec icon won't stay in the
dock (it will disappear after bouncing for a little while, without
affecting ambdec), I'll try to fix this for a second version of the

You can download the installer here:

Please let me know of any issues with this installer. I hope this is
helpful to others.


Hector Centeno
Sursound mailing list

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