I am using a dual octagon setup with ambisonic plus stereo playback.   I 
have custom decoder implemented in Scope--Soniccore.  I am using Genelec  
speakers with larger for the front and small for the rear.  The addition of  
powered speakers is that the addition gives much greater sound pressure.   The 
advantage of distributed sound sources is that the sound level is more  
tolerable than from two.  They are in a 1000 sq. ft. room
In a message dated 5/5/2011 6:07:32 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
i...@sacredresonance.com.au writes:

Hi  Darren here,

I am doing a surround sound / octagon (8 speakers) setup  using ambisonic 
software to create immersive sound running out of "M-aduio  firewire 410"

I am wanting to do 30-80 people in a room I want to do  testing in house 
and use for live setup as well - 

what you think is  the cheapest option being 8 speakers.

1. What speakers should: (to  buy)

a) Monitors (near field) powered - would these work ? being near  field.

b) or just powered speakers.

Please any ideas of what to  buy with this setup


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