Hello Michael and Umashankar,

Yes, I've been doing some recordings with it and I'm liking the
results. Later today I can upload some of them and post the links here
for you to listen. Do you prefer the raw A-format or the B-format
conversion? For the B-Format conversion I've been using TetraProc
without any calibration files and using the default "theoretical mic"
preset. I can also upload binaural versions of those recordings.

I did try to match the levels of the four capsules by recording twice
a test signal, first with the "front" and then with the "back" side of
the mic facing the speaker. Then I matched the gains of all four
capsules using this recorded test signals and applied the same gain
compensations to the recordings. This is probably not the best
procedure but it seemed to improve the results, particularly the
general balance of the soundfield.

I recently did some IR measurements and sent them to Fons who is
kindly helping me making the calibration files for TetraProc. Once I
get those I can later upload the same recordings but now calibrated
for comparison.



On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 10:19 PM, umashankar mantravadi
<umasha...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> dear michael
> i do not mind at all, and would in fact like to hear from people who have 
> used my mic, or heard recordings made with it.
> Angelo has ten of them, and a 11th made with TSB 120 capsules which he has 
> tested and calibrated and used for recordings. i have not heard these 
> recordings myself.
> one member of this group, hector centano, has a brahma and i heard nice 
> sounding recordings he has made with it.
> the first thing i must point out if you want to buy a brahma is you will have 
> to calibrate the microphone yourself. at the moment i am not set up for doing 
> this. (hector and i have both used them uncalibrated, with a kind of best fit 
> approach). depending on your skill levels and parts availability, you can 
> build it yourself (using the required parts from shapeways), do only the zoom 
> modification yourself, or get me to make the whole thing. (we can discuss 
> that off list)
> umashankar
> i have published my poems. read (or buy) at http://stores.lulu.com/umashankar
>> Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 07:06:33 +0900
>> From: loop...@gmail.com
>> To: sursound@music.vt.edu
>> Subject: [Sursound] Brahma mic users?
>> Hi,
>> I've been on this list a while and not posted anything, mainly because
>> I find I have little to add to the usually on-topic and interesting
>> exchanges that go on here. However, I'm soon to be in the market for
>> an A-format/soundfield microphone. My budget is limited, so this means
>> either the Tetramic or Brahma mic/kit appear to be my only options.
>> While I can find plenty of testimony regarding the Tetramic's
>> strengths and weaknesses, there seems to have been little or no
>> discussion of Umashankar's Brahma. Have any list member's had
>> experience with this mic? In terms of cost, it seems like a very
>> attractive package to begin recording ambisonic material.
>> thanks
>> Michael Noble
>> ps. I realize Umashankar, you are a list member. I hope you are not
>> offended that I should seek third party input before inquiring to you
>> directly about your products.
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