On 24/05/2011 20:00, f...@libero.it wrote:

I should mention that interpolation of HRTF is not the only possible
technique; you can use for example a virtual loudspeaker array...

This is certainly the way that the Lake DSP system worked that they demonstrated way back in 1993 (I think it's in the papers for the London VR93 confence from that year but I don't have my copy of the proceedings hand). The sounds were recorded in (first order) Ambisonics and the head tracking drove a rotate/tilt algorithme that fed a decoder to virtual speakers the signals from which were convolved with fixed hrtf's corresponding to the speakers' positions that were fixed wrt the head, mixed together and fed to the headphones.


 These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
/* Dave Malham   http://music.york.ac.uk/staff/research/dave-malham/ */
/* Music Research Centre                                             */
/* Department of Music    "http://music.york.ac.uk/";                       */
/* The University of York  Phone 01904 432448                        */
/* Heslington              Fax   01904 432450                        */
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/* UK                   'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'   */
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