Michael Chapman wrote:

Sorry, ... but: No.

It would be useful if people replied to the points posted,
and not to what they wished people (seeming, regarded as
opponents;-(> had said.


What I wrote was:

Sorry, no. This thread started with a lot of wrong assumptions on
"another patent", so it is not a good start to discuss whole the IP
system,  "as such".

I didn't write:

Sorry, ... but: No.

What I wanted to say was that this thread has started in a biased way, and under some wrong assumptions. The discussion has been amplified, < for me > actually in some impressing way...(The initial impression which was given was that the patent system is kind of stupid, can't work etc. Just re-read...)

I am certainly not the only one who is/was pointing this out:

This thread was about an invalid patent; we're happy that it was rejected, and we can now all move

(Marc Lavallée)

I was actually answering to this:

It would have been interesting to discuss some of the points
that this thread has raised. That seems to be a lost hope.

So, what actually IS this thread about? Is it "another patent", or the "copyright and patent system"?

Either we didn't stick to the thread topic at all (first posting), or we actually have discussed some of the points you wanted to have discussed. Where is the lost hope, then?!

I don't want to seem pedantic :-D , but we see a different thread topic, how it seems.

Just to clarify why I wrote "Sorry, no", which refered exactly to the two cited phrases above.

I admit that this was not an ideal way of answering, because this was a little bit unclear. (My English is obviously not native.)

It would be useful if people replied to the points posted,
and not to what they wished people (seeming, regarded as
opponents;-(> had said.

I actually thought I did...  :-[ :-)

That seems to be a lost hope.

But if we would have some clear thread topic (which already has "OT" included), maybe there would have been far less room for any misunderstandings?


Stefan Schreiber

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