Greetings to all:
I am an Audio Production Technology student in the USA. I am also a hearing 
scientist with a few modest credentials under my belt. I am, however, new to 
I have been an audio enthusiast for most of my life. My current research 
interests include cochlear implants and the possibility of creating 
“real-world” virtual listening environments for studying hearing aid and 
cochlear implant efficacy in a variety of noisy and moderately quiet 
I see the potential of Ambisonics as a research tool for my research and 
hearing scientists in general; consequently, I created a new website = Ambisonics isn’t nearly as well known in the US as it is 
in Europe--at least this is my perception. I have communicated with Bengt-Inge 
Dalenbäck (CATT-Acoustic) and Dr. Pauli Minnaar (Oticon)--both of them kindly 
directed me to useful resources.
My first project is to record restaurants and coffee houses using a Core Sound 
TetraMic and then play these back through an 8-speaker, horizontal-only 
circular configuration (r = 1.4 m). I could just as easily stagger the speakers 
so that they provide both vertical and horizontal information (would this be an 
efficient use of eight speakers?). I plan to decode the raw (A-Format files) 
via VVMic software (along with the calibration files provided with my 
TetraMic), and then process the B-format files offline using MATLAB. My 
preferred DAW for the Windows OS is Nuendo.
My new website ( shows a portion of my research 
arsenal. My loudspeaker inventory consists of ten carefully matched KRK passive 
monitors (they are the older KRK speakers using Focal woofers). I have an 
Edirol/Roland R-4 Pro four-track digital recorder for live recording, and a 
MOTU 896HD interface for playback. Because I am new to Ambisonics, any 
critique, leads to resources, and “moral support” are welcome.
Many thanks for your time: I appreciate your taking the time to read this.
Kind regards,
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