Hello Jörn,
Thanks for writing. Your response isn’t too late, and it may have saved me from 
potential grief. From what I’ve read, FFADO 2.0 will work with the MOTU 
Traveler (first generation) and the 896HD. These are the very two MOTU devices 
that I own.
Some years back (prior to learning of Ambisonics), I used Linux because there 
was a lot of great freeware available for Linux users. I used (and still have) 
a boxed version of Red Hat Linux 8.0. In the interest of multi-media, I 
recently downloaded Ubuntu Studio 11.1 for x86 (downloaded as an iso file, and 
then burned to DVD). Naturally, there is debate as to the “best” Linux for 
media use.
My interest in Linux at this time is because you (and others) had recommended 
or suggested AmbDec. From what I’ve read thus far, I look forward to trying 
AmbDec. Chances are, however, I’ll create the requisite audio files using one 
platform (i.e. Linux) from B-formatted files, and then play them back using a 
PC-based DAW. The impetus for the PC-based DAW is because I’m using hardware 
that I designed and built for automating psychoacoustic experiments. In a 
nutshell, the hardware (photo uploaded) is akin to a voltage-operated 
surface-controller that works in real time because it gets feedback (based on a 
listener’s response via a response box) before a subsequent stimulus is 
presented. My hardware controller works well with Nuendo 4.3 and Audition 2, so 
I’ll probably stick with these (PC) DAWs. If a dummy driver is needed to create 
audio files using the AmbDec software, then I imagine JACK or FFADO will work. 
I have never used JACK; is it
 similar to ReWire?
For my background noise, I have recorded several “representative” 
establishments/restaurants with noise levels hovering around 60-65 dBA, 70 dBA, 
and 75-80 dBA. I used a TetraMic connected to a Roland R-4 Pro recorder to make 
the 4-channel (raw, or A-format recordings). I then used VVMic and the cal (IR) 
files that came with the TetraMic to obtain the B-format files. A separate 
audio recorder was used to provide phantom power to my Earthworks 
(omnidirectional) calibration mic and record SPLs. An acoustic calibrator 
provided the cal tone and reference level for playing back the background 
(restaurant) noise at actual levels. To me, recording a single venue and then 
arbitrarily adjusting the playback level to achieve a particular SNR is not 
representative of real-world scenarios. Amplifying a quiet coffee house isn’t 
representative of a “louder” establishment. I don’t think many would disagree 
with this idea, but most researchers use one source
 for background noise regardless of the background noise level or desired SNR.
Although Ambisonics may not be the ideal way of presenting background noise, it 
has to be a heck of a lot more realistic than methods previously used to test 
speech comprehension in noise, which are then reported in peer-reviewed 
literature. To give you an idea of the stimuli being used to evaluate cochlear 
implants, I have uploaded a few sentences (stimuli) and the respective 
background noise used by cochlear implant researchers. The first file is a 
stereo stimulus file and can be downloaded from


Without independently adjusting either the left or right gain, the SNR is 0 dB 
(silence between sentences was removed to obtain the signal level in dB). If 
you listen to this first file under headphones, it’s easy to ignore the noise 
and concentrate on the signal. Things are a little more blurred when listening 
through loudspeakers. A cochlear implant user doesn’t have the luxury of 
headphone listening or spatial signal segregation (assume a single implant). 
For your enjoyment, I also ran the stereo signal through a cochlear implant 
simulator that generates monaural files. (Note: “stim” in the file names refer 
to stimulus, whereas “sim” refers to simulation.) A monaural simulation of the 
above stereo file is here:


and a stereo simulation file (noise in one channel and signal in opposite 
channel, which isn’t spatially realistic) is available here:


Imagine listening to your music (or a conversation) with this much distortion! 
Mostly, ask whether you believe these wav files, stereo or mono, are 
representative of real-world listening. This should shed some light on why I 
wish to improve the methods we use to test and evaluate hearing impaired 
Thanks, as always, for your help and insight.
Kind regards,
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