... so I tested loading these 48kHz filters but I get a "Invalid header" error 
in Max/MSP when trying the HRTF files. The coll files work fine. Is there any 
mayor difference between the two that I might be missing? I used a hex editor 
to inspect the header and compared it with a 44.1 file and found that indeed 
there is different info there. Are these for a recent version of Spat? Mine is 
from 2010.


On 2012-01-13, at 12:50 PM, Hector Centeno wrote:

> Thank you Thibaut, I've been looking for these for long time! I couldn't find 
> them easily in the IRCAM website.
> Cheers,
> Hector
> On 2012-01-13, at 7:47 AM, Thibaut Carpentier wrote:
>> Le 13 janv. 2012 à 00:52, Hector Centeno a écrit :
>>> I guess I could use a different HRTF measurement to avoid the front/back 
>>> reversal. IRCAM's Spat comes with other impulse SDIF files that are 44.1kHz 
>>> only so I wonder if anyone knows how to resample them to 48kHz, which is 
>>> what I use.
>> 48kHz filters for Spat : 
>> http://echanges.ircam.fr/filez/download.php?ad=239605ZfpX
>> I do interpolate separately the excess phase part and the magnitude 
>> spectrum, rather than resampling the HRIR.
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