Umm - page 3 in the white paper;

Algorithms include not only object-based audio processing but also higher-order Ambisonics and perceptual-based spatial sound processing.

so it's both mpeg4 and HOA


On 02/04/2012 11:13, Rev Tony Newnham wrote:

Came across this in the current edition of "Resolution" magazine - although
the technology article seems extremely light as to how the system works
psycoacoustically  -as does their web-site ,
although I've yet to read the white paper fully, it also seems rather light
- but then I suppose they want to see their gear!

Has anyone come across it?  heard it in action?  My first thoughts are that
it's using ambisonic principles - but I notice that Gerzon et al get no
mention in the list of references, so maybe not?

Just interested - I'm not involved in cinema sound (but am interested in the
various surround sound systems).

Every Blessing


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/* Dave Malham */
/* Music Research Centre                                             */
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