was it not true that the UK did not, or would not, help to support the ambisonic fledgling business due to some frustrating legal restriction? this was a major point in the killing of the launch.

in addition, when MAG openly criticized (and mathematically gutted) the Quad stuff, he did not make friends with many in the industry and they made sure he was sidelined.

At 2:26 +0100 4/11/12, Cara Gleeson wrote:
To all,

I've emailed a few of you individually and am in the process of writing to
others (although I couldn't establish everyones email address'
unfortunately due to a few different names appearing under the same post).
To those that haven't received such an email, thank you for your links and
audio, I have a few more questions...

Absolutely agree my original dissertation question completley lacked
focused and clarity.
Taking onboard what all of you have said my dissertation question is:

*'Given ambisonic's lack of commercial success and lack of* context/content
(?), *why has it persisted for so many years?' OR:
'Given ambisonic's lack of commercial success, why has it persisted for so
many years?'

To also emphasise what is currently being done and what improvements could
be possibly implemented in ambisonic technology for the future?*
My literary review*
I also wonder, other than Michael Gerzons biography and a few online
articles as to why ambisonics didn't take off and its now 'coming of age',
would I just explain for the literature review that there really isn't much
literature available for my question, however I have read around the
subject and finding out from the BBC's research department and the experts
(yourselves) and AES conferences and papers as to what has been done over
the years and what is currently being researched? A friend of mine kindly
gave me some  literature on social theory (taking political agendas with a
'pinch of salt'!) and postmodernism. Would this be useful literature to
relate to consumerism and some of the general publics disinterest in new
technolgogy and lack of means?? *Once again am I off target there for
putting that in my literary review?
*How do I structure my main text, any suggestions of appropriate subtitles?*
I've read a few books on 'how to write a dissertation' and looked at some
online resources, ive written out the structure below but what I'm asking
for is ideas/subtitles (worded better) for 'the main body of text' which is
in bold.

*Title page
*Literary review
****Main body of text

- Few chapters on why ambisonics didn't take off as a commercial household
product...and in other ways..
-Perhaps start with a chapter on what is ambisonics and Blumlein history or
not bother?? I've been given the impression when you write a dissertation
the reader may have no or little knowledge of the subject so a few areas
need to be explained to the reader. Im not sure can anyone help? I've never
been shown how to write a dissertation, believe me I've been asking people
but the answers are rather vague. All I seem to get told is what common
sense would say that every 10,000 word essay has a beginning, middle and
end, would appreciate further elaboration greatly please! I'm used to
writing shorter essays, 10,000 words must seem so short to you all but it's
a new challenge for me!
...Back to early subchapters:
-The failure of quad tarnishing the reputation of surround sound formatting
in the 1970's
- From reading your articles...'Lack of funding backed into ambisonic
technology twenty plus years ago? Pragmatism? Practicalities..
- Make a point that do we really need ambisonics for household use and all
genres of music? Perhaps though great for the enthusiast hearing a B format
recording recreating through listening in ambisonic format the acoustics of
the original room. Unpractical and not interesting to many of public.
Impracticle for consumer households until technolgy adapted or fused with
other technolgies, using less speakers, compatible software/hardware. So
leading to ambisonics failure in 'household sound system sense' HOWEVER!
Not in these ways....
-Few chapters on what has kept ambisonics in existance...
-The enthusiasts have helped creating... Wigware plugins, MAXmsp...
-Looking at current technologies...
-Reasearch (the vast amount..)
-3D cinema
-Military training technology
- The implications on medicine such as audio technologies
-The implications on how surround sound formats can have on music itself?
-Binaural 3D sound through headphones (particularly to use for training,
gaming, medicine (?) applications)....perhaps for gaming and training in
accordance with J Dome (visual dome for gaming and training giving the
participant  110 degrees of visual information rather than the typical
forty degree view with a usual flat monitor most of us use).
-What could be improved/implemented on in the future**...

*Conclusion/discussions - *inc. as a success as a domestic commercial
product in the past a fail but now it's intergrated in gaming industry
technology, a big big commercial success. Perhaps afterall ambisonics was
not a failure in the way it was perceived, perhaps ambisonics is becoming a
greater and more widely applied technology beyond what the pioneers of
ambisonics and critics had first envisaged. *Any thoughts?

*Appendices (All references Harvard referenced according to my uni's
*Bibliography, Discography,..

*Another question!:
 Why in your view has ambisonics still remained until today?*
 Perhaps because it is more relevant to today than it ever has been mainly
due to software developments? Wave Synthesis technology didn't exist 20yrs
ago did it? The enthusiasts (recordists, programmers, recreating program
environments e.g. MAXmsp) keeping it alive making plugins, freesoftware
availability, the boom of the gaming industy, recent time 3D binaural

What are your thoughts on matriced rather than a discrete approach to
audio?? Looking at comparison of technologies such as WFS+, B-Format+,
binaural, HRTF's..? Or on any other matter that may help 'bulk' (for want
of better word!) a 10,000 word dissertation?


One last qustion! (In response to Dr. Lennox' suggestion)

What are your **specific criticisms of ambisonics?
What works well, what doesn't work, what difficulties have you encountered
and how might you improve on any of these things (both practical or

*Perhaps once this has been identified perhaps my other questions will be
answered too!

I apologise for the amount of questions...



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