Hi Sero

Not sure I understand what you mean by "(current ICST encoder is an encoder from mono to B-format + panner)" since the panner is what does the encoding to B format. However, on to the next point - for simple effects like pure delay, eq or gain changes, you don't need to do anything in terms of further rotations, it will all just follow on. However, if you want to have a B format feedback path from the output of the delay to the input, you might like to put a rotator in the feedback path so that successive copies of the original soundfield appear from different angles. I'm not sure if the ICST externals incorporate a field rotation object (I could be wrong - it's a while since I used them) so you might have to look elsewhere for that. What order are you working at?


On 06/06/2012 15:57, SERO SERO wrote:
Hello All,

thank you very much for your responses, very much appreciated.

Dave - Thank you for the links and the ideas regarding the application of
delay effect to the B-foramt signal; one thing is not clear to me yet is
the following and I would be very grateful if you can expand further for me:

I have a mono source that is encoded in B-format and already include the
rotational information in the encoder (current ICST encoder is an encoder
from mono to B-format + panner) so if I apply delay to the B-format signal
I am assuming I will already have the system responding to source rotation
when I rotate my source without further panning the fx soundfield.
Am I correct or I do need to rotate the delay fx soundfield as well
according to the source rotation?

Both solution are possible as I will use a typical send/return fx path
(%wet) for the fx.

Gus - Thank you for the link, Cannot check now in the office but will have
a look one evening.
I am definitely up for sharing ideas and patches. Please feel free to write
on my sursound email for any personal communication.

Very grateful for all the help from the list.



Message: 3
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 21:33:58 +0100
From: Dave Malham<dave.mal...@york.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: [Sursound] B- Format to A-format conversion for an
        ambisonics fx
To: Surround Sound discussion group<sursound@music.vt.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hi Sero,
    Although there are times that processing A format may be be useful
in compositional terms (see Jo Anderson's work) it isn't necessary to
change to A format for applying general effects like delay, eq or
gain, even if it involves phase shifts - so long as there are no
differences between channels in the B Format. So, if all channels have
the same delay, no matter what it is.  It is entirely possible to
provide a B format feedback path via delays which incorporate
rotations to increase the complexity of the final soundfield. Dylan
Menzies incorporated this in his LAmb software
The same applies to pretty well any effect - if you apply a boost of,
say, +2.65dB at 5kHz to the W channel, you must  apply an identical
boost of+2.65dB at 5kHz to all the other channels.


On 3 June 2012 19:53, SERO SERO<bassi...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Hello list,

This is my first post here so please be patient if I am doing something
wrong with the replies.

I am working on a patch in MAX 6 for Ambisonics reproduction for a jazz
band and I am looking in creating a series of FX that can be encoded in

My main understanding is that for a delay FX type (and any other fx that
affects the phase of the signal) I need to convert the B-format signal to
A-format, then apply the fx I want and then reconvert to B-format.

Does anyone can point me to any resource I can use to understand both
Also can you share a patch u have done in Max (if anyone use it) I can
as a reference?

I use the ICST tools in Max 6 for all the ambisonics processing.

I am already using the trick of applying delay FX to a mono source before
enconding and then use rotation of the sound field to create ping pong
fx but I would like to do something more creative.

Thank you very much

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Sursound mailing list


These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer

Dave Malham
Music Research Centre
Department of Music
The University of York
York YO10 5DD
Phone 01904 322448
Fax? ?? 01904 322450
'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 21:55:37 +0100
From: Augustine Leudar<augustineleu...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Sursound] B- Format to A-format conversion for an
        ambisonics fx
To: Surround Sound discussion group<sursound@music.vt.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi Sero,
I use ICST quite a lot as well - I do as you say and just apply the
effects to the signals before sending them into ambipanning~
I'm not sure why converting to from B - format A - format will
necessarily allow you more creative possibilities - I'm not really
sure why you would do that,  A - format as I understand it is just the
raw recordings that come out of a microphone ?
You can see a patch Ive made here for spatialising audio in 3d with a
wii controller (an electroacoustic granular magic wand):


Id be happy to share knowledge patches etc ,

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Sursound mailing list

 These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
/* Dave Malham   http://music.york.ac.uk/staff/research/dave-malham/ */
/* Music Research Centre                                             */
/* Department of Music    "http://music.york.ac.uk/";                       */
/* The University of York  Phone 01904 322448                        */
/* Heslington              Fax   01904 322450                        */
/* York YO10 5DD                                                     */
/* UK                   'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'   */
/*                    "http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/mustech/3d_audio/"; */

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