Dear all,
I was wondering how, knowing the diameter of a speaker octagon,
using 1st or 3rd Order ambisonics,  to calculate precisely the dimensions of 
the sweet spot area.
Any ideas?
Many thanks


On 6 Nov 2012, at 17:00, wrote:

> Send Sursound mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Sursound digest..."
> When replying, please remember to edit your Subject line to that of the 
> original message you are replying to, so it is more specific than "Re: 
> Contents of Sirsound-list digest..." so that it matches the post you are 
> replying to.
> Also, please EDIT the quoted post so that it is not the entire digest, but 
> just the post you are replying to.
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Which order (but not extactly high order)? (Eric Carmichel)
>   2. Re: Vestibular response, HRTF database, and now with added
>      height... (Peter Lennox)
>   3. Re: Vestibular response, HRTF database,    and now with added
>      height... (Dave Malham)
>   4. Re: Vestibular response, HRTF database, and now with added
>      height... (Peter Lennox)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 15:59:19 -0800 (PST)
> From: Eric Carmichel <>
> Subject: [Sursound] Which order (but not extactly high order)?
> To: "" <>
> Message-ID:
>    <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Greetings,
> I would like to model microphone pickup patterns in conjunction with HRTFs 
> and Ambisonic recordings that I've made. To give a specific example, I would 
> like model a miniature supercardiod mic, pointed forward, that is located 
> proximal (or superior) to the pinna. This would be akin to a directional mic 
> on a hearing aid or CI processor. The HRTF can be approximate, as the mic is 
> likely to be placed slightly above the pinna and close to the head, not right 
> at the opening of the ear canal. Some mics, however, are located in the 
> concha, so the IRs from the Listen Project would approximate the mic 
> placement, but not the mic's polar pattern.
> I have recordings of cafeterias and public spaces that I made using a 
> TetraMic. VVMic allows me to create first-order mic patterns that can be 
> rotated in space. This alone is useful, but does not include the acoustic 
> shadow that would be created by a hearing aid wearer's head. I have the 
> Harpex VST, too. Harpex includes the HRIRs from the Listen Project (Svein, 
> please correct me if I'm wrong on this), thus making binaural simulations a 
> snap. But to get an HRTF that includes a specific mic pick-up pattern is a 
> little trickier.
> I had initially used VVMic to create the mic pattern I wanted, and then aimed 
> it to the direction I wanted. Input was B-formatted wav files. The resulting 
> output is a single channel, or N identical channels if I want to create N 
> tracks. I created 4 tracks and used these as pseudo B-formatted material in 
> Harpex.
> The other "order" would be to create a stereo (binaural) output via Harpex 
> from the original (authentic) B-formatted material. Then one of the two 
> channels, L or R, could be made into four identical tracks that can be fed to 
> VVMic to get the intended polar response. The four tracks, of course, are not 
> B-format.
> A bit of head scratching tells me neither method outlined above is correct. 
> At least the binaural output from Harpex should be equivalent to an 
> omnidirectional mic placed at an ear's concha (ITE hearing aids), and that 
> could be used for simulations of electric listening. But I'd really like to 
> model hybrid devices that combine both electric (cochlear implant) and 
> acoustic (hearing aid) stimulation. It seems that using Ambisonic recordings 
> without the need for loudspeakers would be an elegant way to simulate CI 
> listening in 3-D environments, but using normal-hearing listeners.
> Regarding my recent post (vestibular-auditory interactions and HRTFs): Thanks 
> to Peter L. for making my clumsy wording clearer and to Dave M. for making 
> the idea more direct and to the point. I have to be careful when referencing 
> the anatomical horizontal plane versus the horizontal plane that lies 
> perpendicular to gravity. Although a bit off topic of Ambisonics, the post 
> did directly relate to spatial hearing. Because it's easy to do virtual mic 
> rotations with Ambisonic material, Ambisonics could be a useful tool for 
> studying vestibular-auditory interactions.
> Thanks to everyone,
> Eric
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: 
> <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2012 11:09:18 +0000
> From: Peter Lennox <>
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] Vestibular response, HRTF database, and now
>    with added height...
> To: Surround Sound discussion group <>
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> well, I think it's a big jump, so to speak to try to get funding for that.
> I have a much more modest proposal:
> Is auditory spatial perception and performance similar in all regions? - I 
> have a strong suspicion that it's different in the Maldives. Further, I think 
> it may be that, if you take someone that has been tested in, say, England, 
> then transport them to the Maldives and test, looking for changes in 
> performance over a 2 month period, one might find a progressive change. Then 
> bring them back for a two month, repeating the test procedure. Then back to 
> the Maldives, testing if the change in performance is similar, or indeed more 
> rapid, the second time around.
> If significant results are obtained, we next try Bali. and so on. 
> This will be much cheaper than the zero-G proposal
> In the interests of science, I am prepared to volunteer as a guinea pig, even 
> if it means turning my back on my chances of being promoted to fourth 
> assistant to the deputy office manager - that's how dedicated to science I am!
> Dr Peter Lennox
> School of Technology,
> Faculty of Arts, Design and Technology
> University of Derby, UK
> e:
> t: 01332 593155
> ________________________________________
> From: [] On Behalf 
> Of Dave Malham []
> Sent: 05 November 2012 16:28
> To: Surround Sound discussion group
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] Vestibular response, HRTF database,     and now with 
> added height...
> Hi Peter,
>    Like I just said - needs experiments in zero G. I wonder what the
> acoustics in the ISS are like? Might be easier to organise decent
> acoustics in a Vomit Comet
> ( especially as
> the padding already there would help. Now, where do we apply for
> funding??
>    Dave
> On 5 November 2012 14:18, Peter Lennox <> wrote:
>> Eric, some interesting thoughts there, thanks.
>> One or two thoughts in reaction:
>> 1) you say " There have been a lot of studies regarding localization in the 
>> transverse (horizontal) plane" - I know its quite common to conflate these, 
>> but (as implied in your later thought experiment) - it's worth pointing out 
>> that "horizontal" is specified as perpendicular to gravity. When a person is 
>> standing or sitting straight, then if the head is not tilted then the 
>> conflation is permissible. But. People tilt and move their heads all the 
>> time, so acuity in hearing in the transverse plane is not the same as acuity 
>> in the horizontal plane
>> 2) Your question about acuity when the body is not in that 'usual' 
>> orientation: I've thought the same thing, though the other way around - I 
>> put people flat on their backs, then played ambisonic material tilted 
>> through 90 degrees, to see if they got some different experience. So, I was 
>> interested in perception in the vertical, but using that transverse plane. 
>> The experience was different, but inconclusive in that it wasn't a 
>> controlled experiment, of course. I found that identification of source 
>> direction was less good than I'd anticipated. BUT - actually, (going back to 
>> experiences whilst camping - I've lain awake in the countryside thinking 
>> about these things) - listening (especially for direction) with your head so 
>> close to the ground is certainly an unfamiliar experience. You've messed up 
>> a lot of the pinnae effects. Interaural differences may well be affected. 
>> You've got a peculiar pattern of very early reflections (from the ground 
>> next to your ears). Most importantly
>  y
>> ou're listening to sources in the sky, with no reflective and occlusive 
>> bodies around them. There's no 'ground effect' of the sort that a standing 
>> or sitting person will get - that it, early reflected material that has 
>> interacted with the ground, including filtering by surface features, clutter 
>> (material objects and detritus have a tendency to be near the ground due to 
>> gravity...) so, overall, hearing in that area just won't be the same.
>> The above might partly account for why, in your experiment, hearing in the 
>> horizontal might seem better than it ought - there are simply more cues 
>> available for sources at or near the ground? However, in the camping 
>> example, I did find increased instances of reversals.
>> So I had thought there might be an interaction between gravity and spatial 
>> hearing, but realised that some of it is just down to physics - the sky 
>> really is different from the ground, we really are sort of "2.5 d" hearers 
>> (and thinkers?). I'd also wondered whether distance(range) perception might 
>> differ with direction. It does (items seem nearer), but more to do with the 
>> physics of the matter - for sources in the sky, sometimes (not always!) 
>> there is only a direct signal path. So, distance perception as the product 
>> of the direct/indirect ratio doesn't seem quite the right formulation.
>> These things need some decent experimentation, it seems to me
>> Cheers
>> ppl
>> Dr. Peter Lennox
>> School of Technology,
>> Faculty of Arts, Design and Technology
>> University of Derby, UK
>> e:
>> t: 01332 593155
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] 
>> On Behalf Of Eric Carmichel
>> Sent: 03 November 2012 18:54
>> To:
>> Subject: [Sursound] Vestibular response, HRTF database, and more
>> Greetings,
>> Mostly through serendipity, I have had the pleasure and privilege of great 
>> teachers. I studied recording arts under Andy Seagle ( who 
>> recorded Paul McCartney, Hall & Oats, and numerous others. My doc committee 
>> included Bill Yost, who is widely known among the spatial hearing folks. 
>> And, of course, I've learned a lot about Ambisonics from people on this list 
>> as well as a plethora of technical articles.
>> I recently sent an email to Bill with the following question/scenario. I 
>> thought others might wish to give this thought, too, as it gets into HRTFs.
>> There have been a lot of studies regarding localization in the transverse 
>> (horizontal) plane. We also know from experiments how well (or poorly) we 
>> can localize sound in the frontal and sagittal planes. By simply tilting 
>> someone back 90 degrees, his/her ears shift to another plane. This is 
>> different from shifting the loudspeaker arrangement to another plane because 
>> the semicircular canals are now in a different orientation. If a circular 
>> speaker array was setup in the coronal plane and the person was lying down, 
>> then his/her ears would be oriented in such a way that the speakers now 
>> circle the head in the same fashion as they would in the horizontal plane 
>> when the person is seated or standing. It's a "static" vestibular change, 
>> and gravity acting on the semicircular canals (and body) lets us know which 
>> way is up. But do we have the same ability to localize when the body is 
>> positioned in different orientations, even when the sources "follow" the  
>> orientation (as is the case
> in
>>  the above example)? How about localization in low-g environments (e.g. 
>> space docking)? The question came to me while camping. I seem able to 
>> pinpoint sounds quite well in the (normal) horizontal plane despite a skewed 
>> HRTF while lying down (and somewhat above ground).
>> On another (but related) topic, I have downloaded the HRTF data from the 
>> Listen Project, and have been sorting the participant's morphological 
>> features. I have this in an Excel spreadsheet, and am converting this to an 
>> Access database. Using the data, one can pick an "appropriate" HRTF starting 
>> with gross anatomical features (such as headsize) and whittle it down to 
>> minute features (such as concha depth or angle). I find HRTF discussions 
>> interesting, but still argue that headphones and whole-body transfer 
>> functions make a difference, too. Insert phones destroy canal resonance, 
>> whereas an earcup with active drivers may have a large "equivalent" volume, 
>> thus minimizing external meatus/earcup interaction (a mix and match of 
>> resonances). Because of this, there can be no ideal HRTF, even when it 
>> matches the listener.
>> While listening to HRTF demos, the notion of auditory streaming and auditory 
>> scenes came to mind. Some sounds were externalized, but other sounds of 
>> varying frequencies, while emanating from the same sound source, appeared in 
>> my head. The end result was that the externalized sounds provided a 
>> convincing (or at least fun) illusion, but problems do persist. A stringent 
>> evaluation of HRTF / binaural listening via headphones would require 
>> breaking the sounds into bands and seeing if a sound's constituent 
>> components remain outside of the head. When doing so, a brick-wall filter 
>> wouldn't be necessary, but a filter that maintains phase coherency would be 
>> recommended. The demo I refer to was that of a helicopter flying overhead. 
>> Though I haven't done this (yet), it would be interesting to use FFT 
>> filtering to isolate the turbine whine (a high-pitched sound) from the 
>> chopper's blades. The high-pitched sound appeared to be in my head, whereas 
>> the helicopter as a  whole seemed extern
> li
>> zed. Again, an individualized HRTF and different phones may yield different 
>> results. Side note: Be careful using FFT filtering--it can yield some 
>> peculiar artifacts.
>> I am hoping to use headtracking in conjunction with VVMic to model different 
>> hearing aid and cochlear implant mics in space. This offers the advantage of 
>> presenting real-world listening environments via live recordings to 
>> study/demonstrate differences in mic polar patterns (at least first-order 
>> patterns) and processing without the need for a surround loudspeaker system. 
>> In fact, it's ideal for CI simulations because an actual CI user never gets 
>> a pressure at the eardrum that then travels along the basilar membrane, 
>> ultimately converted to nerve impulses. With VVMic and HRTF data, I should 
>> be able to provide simulations of mics located on a listener's head and then 
>> direct the output to one or both ears. This does not represent spatial 
>> listening, but it does represent electric (CI) hearing in space. Putting a 
>> normal-hearing listener in a surround sound environment with mock processors 
>> and real mics doesn't work because you can't isolate the outside (surround) 
>> sound from the 
> nt
>> ended simulation, even with EAR foam plugs and audiometric insert phones.
>> VVMic and live recordings via Ambisonics is a solution to creating 
>> "electric" listening in the real world. Again, I'm referring solely to CI 
>> simulations. With the advent of electric-acoustic stimulation (EAS), more 
>> than one mic is used per ear: One for the CI and a second for the HA. 
>> Combinations of polar patterns can be created. Respective frequency 
>> responses and processing can be sent to one or two ears (diotic and dichotic 
>> situations). One caveat for using vocoding to mimic CIs is that the acoustic 
>> simulation (and therefore stimulation) still necessitates a traveling wave 
>> along the normal-hearing listener's basilar membrane. The time it takes to 
>> establish a wave peak is not instantaneous (though compressional waves in 
>> the the inner ear are virtually instantaneous), and I believe a time-domain 
>> component to inner ear (mechanical) action can't easily be excluded when 
>> using "acoustic" simulation of CIs. I suppose I could look at data from 
>> BAERs and the Greenwood approximati
> n
>> to account for the time-frequency interaction. Just some thinking... and 
>> ideas to share with others interested in hearing impairments.
>> By the way, Teemko, if you're reading this, just wanted to let you know that 
>> Bill Yost said he'd read your thesis over the weekend. I notice that Bill 
>> and Larry Revit are in your references list. Larry isn't a fan of 
>> Ambisonics--said to me in a phone communication that it sounds "tinny". I 
>> suppose it does if one were to listen through laptop speakers or from poor 
>> source material. Not sure what his source was.
>> -------------- next part --------------
>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>> URL: 
>> <>
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sursound mailing list
>> _____________________________________________________________________
>> The University of Derby has a published policy regarding email and reserves 
>> the right to monitor email traffic. If you believe this email was sent to 
>> you in error, please notify the sender and delete this email. Please direct 
>> any concerns to
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sursound mailing list
> --
> As of 1st October 2012, I have retired from the University, so this
> disclaimer is redundant....
> These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
> Dave Malham
> Ex-Music Research Centre
> Department of Music
> The University of York
> Heslington
> York YO10 5DD
> UK
> 'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'
> _______________________________________________
> Sursound mailing list
> _____________________________________________________________________
> The University of Derby has a published policy regarding email and reserves 
> the right to monitor email traffic. If you believe this email was sent to you 
> in error, please notify the sender and delete this email. Please direct any 
> concerns to
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2012 11:18:27 +0000
> From: Dave Malham <>
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] Vestibular response, HRTF database,    and now
>    with added height...
> To: Surround Sound discussion group <>
> Message-ID:
>    <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> And, of course, it would be essential to test for the effects of age
> on the rapidity of change, so I guess I will be forced to come out of
> retirement in order to provide a suitable subject without
> inconveniencing anyone else...
>   Dave
> On 6 November 2012 11:09, Peter Lennox <> wrote:
>> well, I think it's a big jump, so to speak to try to get funding for that.
>> I have a much more modest proposal:
>> Is auditory spatial perception and performance similar in all regions? - I 
>> have a strong suspicion that it's different in the Maldives. Further, I 
>> think it may be that, if you take someone that has been tested in, say, 
>> England, then transport them to the Maldives and test, looking for changes 
>> in performance over a 2 month period, one might find a progressive change. 
>> Then bring them back for a two month, repeating the test procedure. Then 
>> back to the Maldives, testing if the change in performance is similar, or 
>> indeed more rapid, the second time around.
>> If significant results are obtained, we next try Bali. and so on.
>> This will be much cheaper than the zero-G proposal
>> In the interests of science, I am prepared to volunteer as a guinea pig, 
>> even if it means turning my back on my chances of being promoted to fourth 
>> assistant to the deputy office manager - that's how dedicated to science I 
>> am!
>> Dr Peter Lennox
>> School of Technology,
>> Faculty of Arts, Design and Technology
>> University of Derby, UK
>> e:
>> t: 01332 593155
>> ________________________________________
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of Dave Malham []
>> Sent: 05 November 2012 16:28
>> To: Surround Sound discussion group
>> Subject: Re: [Sursound] Vestibular response, HRTF database,     and now with 
>> added height...
>> Hi Peter,
>>    Like I just said - needs experiments in zero G. I wonder what the
>> acoustics in the ISS are like? Might be easier to organise decent
>> acoustics in a Vomit Comet
>> ( especially as
>> the padding already there would help. Now, where do we apply for
>> funding??
>>    Dave
>> On 5 November 2012 14:18, Peter Lennox <> wrote:
>>> Eric, some interesting thoughts there, thanks.
>>> One or two thoughts in reaction:
>>> 1) you say " There have been a lot of studies regarding localization in the 
>>> transverse (horizontal) plane" - I know its quite common to conflate these, 
>>> but (as implied in your later thought experiment) - it's worth pointing out 
>>> that "horizontal" is specified as perpendicular to gravity. When a person 
>>> is standing or sitting straight, then if the head is not tilted then the 
>>> conflation is permissible. But. People tilt and move their heads all the 
>>> time, so acuity in hearing in the transverse plane is not the same as 
>>> acuity in the horizontal plane
>>> 2) Your question about acuity when the body is not in that 'usual' 
>>> orientation: I've thought the same thing, though the other way around - I 
>>> put people flat on their backs, then played ambisonic material tilted 
>>> through 90 degrees, to see if they got some different experience. So, I was 
>>> interested in perception in the vertical, but using that transverse plane. 
>>> The experience was different, but inconclusive in that it wasn't a 
>>> controlled experiment, of course. I found that identification of source 
>>> direction was less good than I'd anticipated. BUT - actually, (going back 
>>> to experiences whilst camping - I've lain awake in the countryside thinking 
>>> about these things) - listening (especially for direction) with your head 
>>> so close to the ground is certainly an unfamiliar experience. You've messed 
>>> up a lot of the pinnae effects. Interaural differences may well be 
>>> affected. You've got a peculiar pattern of very early reflections (from the 
>>> ground next to your ears). Most importantl
> ,
>>  y
>>> ou're listening to sources in the sky, with no reflective and occlusive 
>>> bodies around them. There's no 'ground effect' of the sort that a standing 
>>> or sitting person will get - that it, early reflected material that has 
>>> interacted with the ground, including filtering by surface features, 
>>> clutter (material objects and detritus have a tendency to be near the 
>>> ground due to gravity...) so, overall, hearing in that area just won't be 
>>> the same.
>>> The above might partly account for why, in your experiment, hearing in the 
>>> horizontal might seem better than it ought - there are simply more cues 
>>> available for sources at or near the ground? However, in the camping 
>>> example, I did find increased instances of reversals.
>>> So I had thought there might be an interaction between gravity and spatial 
>>> hearing, but realised that some of it is just down to physics - the sky 
>>> really is different from the ground, we really are sort of "2.5 d" hearers 
>>> (and thinkers?). I'd also wondered whether distance(range) perception might 
>>> differ with direction. It does (items seem nearer), but more to do with the 
>>> physics of the matter - for sources in the sky, sometimes (not always!) 
>>> there is only a direct signal path. So, distance perception as the product 
>>> of the direct/indirect ratio doesn't seem quite the right formulation.
>>> These things need some decent experimentation, it seems to me
>>> Cheers
>>> ppl
>>> Dr. Peter Lennox
>>> School of Technology,
>>> Faculty of Arts, Design and Technology
>>> University of Derby, UK
>>> e:
>>> t: 01332 593155
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [] 
>>> On Behalf Of Eric Carmichel
>>> Sent: 03 November 2012 18:54
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [Sursound] Vestibular response, HRTF database, and more
>>> Greetings,
>>> Mostly through serendipity, I have had the pleasure and privilege of great 
>>> teachers. I studied recording arts under Andy Seagle ( who 
>>> recorded Paul McCartney, Hall & Oats, and numerous others. My doc committee 
>>> included Bill Yost, who is widely known among the spatial hearing folks. 
>>> And, of course, I've learned a lot about Ambisonics from people on this 
>>> list as well as a plethora of technical articles.
>>> I recently sent an email to Bill with the following question/scenario. I 
>>> thought others might wish to give this thought, too, as it gets into HRTFs.
>>> There have been a lot of studies regarding localization in the transverse 
>>> (horizontal) plane. We also know from experiments how well (or poorly) we 
>>> can localize sound in the frontal and sagittal planes. By simply tilting 
>>> someone back 90 degrees, his/her ears shift to another plane. This is 
>>> different from shifting the loudspeaker arrangement to another plane 
>>> because the semicircular canals are now in a different orientation. If a 
>>> circular speaker array was setup in the coronal plane and the person was 
>>> lying down, then his/her ears would be oriented in such a way that the 
>>> speakers now circle the head in the same fashion as they would in the 
>>> horizontal plane when the person is seated or standing. It's a "static" 
>>> vestibular change, and gravity acting on the semicircular canals (and body) 
>>> lets us know which way is up. But do we have the same ability to localize 
>>> when the body is positioned in different orientations, even when the 
>>> sources "follow" the  orientation (as is the cas
>> in
>>>  the above example)? How about localization in low-g environments (e.g. 
>>> space docking)? The question came to me while camping. I seem able to 
>>> pinpoint sounds quite well in the (normal) horizontal plane despite a 
>>> skewed HRTF while lying down (and somewhat above ground).
>>> On another (but related) topic, I have downloaded the HRTF data from the 
>>> Listen Project, and have been sorting the participant's morphological 
>>> features. I have this in an Excel spreadsheet, and am converting this to an 
>>> Access database. Using the data, one can pick an "appropriate" HRTF 
>>> starting with gross anatomical features (such as headsize) and whittle it 
>>> down to minute features (such as concha depth or angle). I find HRTF 
>>> discussions interesting, but still argue that headphones and whole-body 
>>> transfer functions make a difference, too. Insert phones destroy canal 
>>> resonance, whereas an earcup with active drivers may have a large 
>>> "equivalent" volume, thus minimizing external meatus/earcup interaction (a 
>>> mix and match of resonances). Because of this, there can be no ideal HRTF, 
>>> even when it matches the listener.
>>> While listening to HRTF demos, the notion of auditory streaming and 
>>> auditory scenes came to mind. Some sounds were externalized, but other 
>>> sounds of varying frequencies, while emanating from the same sound source, 
>>> appeared in my head. The end result was that the externalized sounds 
>>> provided a convincing (or at least fun) illusion, but problems do persist. 
>>> A stringent evaluation of HRTF / binaural listening via headphones would 
>>> require breaking the sounds into bands and seeing if a sound's constituent 
>>> components remain outside of the head. When doing so, a brick-wall filter 
>>> wouldn't be necessary, but a filter that maintains phase coherency would be 
>>> recommended. The demo I refer to was that of a helicopter flying overhead. 
>>> Though I haven't done this (yet), it would be interesting to use FFT 
>>> filtering to isolate the turbine whine (a high-pitched sound) from the 
>>> chopper's blades. The high-pitched sound appeared to be in my head, whereas 
>>> the helicopter as a  whole seemed exter
> a
>> li
>>> zed. Again, an individualized HRTF and different phones may yield different 
>>> results. Side note: Be careful using FFT filtering--it can yield some 
>>> peculiar artifacts.
>>> I am hoping to use headtracking in conjunction with VVMic to model 
>>> different hearing aid and cochlear implant mics in space. This offers the 
>>> advantage of presenting real-world listening environments via live 
>>> recordings to study/demonstrate differences in mic polar patterns (at least 
>>> first-order patterns) and processing without the need for a surround 
>>> loudspeaker system. In fact, it's ideal for CI simulations because an 
>>> actual CI user never gets a pressure at the eardrum that then travels along 
>>> the basilar membrane, ultimately converted to nerve impulses. With VVMic 
>>> and HRTF data, I should be able to provide simulations of mics located on a 
>>> listener's head and then direct the output to one or both ears. This does 
>>> not represent spatial listening, but it does represent electric (CI) 
>>> hearing in space. Putting a normal-hearing listener in a surround sound 
>>> environment with mock processors and real mics doesn't work because you 
>>> can't isolate the outside (surround) sound from the
> i
>> nt
>>> ended simulation, even with EAR foam plugs and audiometric insert phones.
>>> VVMic and live recordings via Ambisonics is a solution to creating 
>>> "electric" listening in the real world. Again, I'm referring solely to CI 
>>> simulations. With the advent of electric-acoustic stimulation (EAS), more 
>>> than one mic is used per ear: One for the CI and a second for the HA. 
>>> Combinations of polar patterns can be created. Respective frequency 
>>> responses and processing can be sent to one or two ears (diotic and 
>>> dichotic situations). One caveat for using vocoding to mimic CIs is that 
>>> the acoustic simulation (and therefore stimulation) still necessitates a 
>>> traveling wave along the normal-hearing listener's basilar membrane. The 
>>> time it takes to establish a wave peak is not instantaneous (though 
>>> compressional waves in the the inner ear are virtually instantaneous), and 
>>> I believe a time-domain component to inner ear (mechanical) action can't 
>>> easily be excluded when using "acoustic" simulation of CIs. I suppose I 
>>> could look at data from BAERs and the Greenwood approximat
> o
>> n
>>> to account for the time-frequency interaction. Just some thinking... and 
>>> ideas to share with others interested in hearing impairments.
>>> By the way, Teemko, if you're reading this, just wanted to let you know 
>>> that Bill Yost said he'd read your thesis over the weekend. I notice that 
>>> Bill and Larry Revit are in your references list. Larry isn't a fan of 
>>> Ambisonics--said to me in a phone communication that it sounds "tinny". I 
>>> suppose it does if one were to listen through laptop speakers or from poor 
>>> source material. Not sure what his source was.
>>> -------------- next part --------------
>>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>>> URL: 
>>> <>
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Sursound mailing list
>>> _____________________________________________________________________
>>> The University of Derby has a published policy regarding email and reserves 
>>> the right to monitor email traffic. If you believe this email was sent to 
>>> you in error, please notify the sender and delete this email. Please direct 
>>> any concerns to
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Sursound mailing list
>> --
>> As of 1st October 2012, I have retired from the University, so this
>> disclaimer is redundant....
>> These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
>> Dave Malham
>> Ex-Music Research Centre
>> Department of Music
>> The University of York
>> Heslington
>> York YO10 5DD
>> UK
>> 'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'
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> -- 
> As of 1st October 2012, I have retired from the University, so this
> disclaimer is redundant....
> These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
> Dave Malham
> Ex-Music Research Centre
> Department of Music
> The University of York
> Heslington
> York YO10 5DD
> UK
> 'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2012 11:42:25 +0000
> From: Peter Lennox <>
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] Vestibular response, HRTF database, and now
>    with added height...
> To: Surround Sound discussion group <>
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Good point.
> Do you think there may be an interaction with altered physiological states? - 
> I'm thinking alcohol might have a significant effect. Worth exploring, 
> anyhow...
> Dr Peter Lennox
> School of Technology,
> Faculty of Arts, Design and Technology
> University of Derby, UK
> e:
> t: 01332 593155
> ________________________________________
> From: [] On Behalf 
> Of Dave Malham []
> Sent: 06 November 2012 11:18
> To: Surround Sound discussion group
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] Vestibular response, HRTF database,     and now with 
> added height...
> And, of course, it would be essential to test for the effects of age
> on the rapidity of change, so I guess I will be forced to come out of
> retirement in order to provide a suitable subject without
> inconveniencing anyone else...
>   Dave
> On 6 November 2012 11:09, Peter Lennox <> wrote:
>> well, I think it's a big jump, so to speak to try to get funding for that.
>> I have a much more modest proposal:
>> Is auditory spatial perception and performance similar in all regions? - I 
>> have a strong suspicion that it's different in the Maldives. Further, I 
>> think it may be that, if you take someone that has been tested in, say, 
>> England, then transport them to the Maldives and test, looking for changes 
>> in performance over a 2 month period, one might find a progressive change. 
>> Then bring them back for a two month, repeating the test procedure. Then 
>> back to the Maldives, testing if the change in performance is similar, or 
>> indeed more rapid, the second time around.
>> If significant results are obtained, we next try Bali. and so on.
>> This will be much cheaper than the zero-G proposal
>> In the interests of science, I am prepared to volunteer as a guinea pig, 
>> even if it means turning my back on my chances of being promoted to fourth 
>> assistant to the deputy office manager - that's how dedicated to science I 
>> am!
>> Dr Peter Lennox
>> School of Technology,
>> Faculty of Arts, Design and Technology
>> University of Derby, UK
>> e:
>> t: 01332 593155
>> ________________________________________
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of Dave Malham []
>> Sent: 05 November 2012 16:28
>> To: Surround Sound discussion group
>> Subject: Re: [Sursound] Vestibular response, HRTF database,     and now with 
>> added height...
>> Hi Peter,
>>    Like I just said - needs experiments in zero G. I wonder what the
>> acoustics in the ISS are like? Might be easier to organise decent
>> acoustics in a Vomit Comet
>> ( especially as
>> the padding already there would help. Now, where do we apply for
>> funding??
>>    Dave
>> On 5 November 2012 14:18, Peter Lennox <> wrote:
>>> Eric, some interesting thoughts there, thanks.
>>> One or two thoughts in reaction:
>>> 1) you say " There have been a lot of studies regarding localization in the 
>>> transverse (horizontal) plane" - I know its quite common to conflate these, 
>>> but (as implied in your later thought experiment) - it's worth pointing out 
>>> that "horizontal" is specified as perpendicular to gravity. When a person 
>>> is standing or sitting straight, then if the head is not tilted then the 
>>> conflation is permissible. But. People tilt and move their heads all the 
>>> time, so acuity in hearing in the transverse plane is not the same as 
>>> acuity in the horizontal plane
>>> 2) Your question about acuity when the body is not in that 'usual' 
>>> orientation: I've thought the same thing, though the other way around - I 
>>> put people flat on their backs, then played ambisonic material tilted 
>>> through 90 degrees, to see if they got some different experience. So, I was 
>>> interested in perception in the vertical, but using that transverse plane. 
>>> The experience was different, but inconclusive in that it wasn't a 
>>> controlled experiment, of course. I found that identification of source 
>>> direction was less good than I'd anticipated. BUT - actually, (going back 
>>> to experiences whilst camping - I've lain awake in the countryside thinking 
>>> about these things) - listening (especially for direction) with your head 
>>> so close to the ground is certainly an unfamiliar experience. You've messed 
>>> up a lot of the pinnae effects. Interaural differences may well be 
>>> affected. You've got a peculiar pattern of very early reflections (from the 
>>> ground next to your ears). Most importantl
> ,
>>  y
>>> ou're listening to sources in the sky, with no reflective and occlusive 
>>> bodies around them. There's no 'ground effect' of the sort that a standing 
>>> or sitting person will get - that it, early reflected material that has 
>>> interacted with the ground, including filtering by surface features, 
>>> clutter (material objects and detritus have a tendency to be near the 
>>> ground due to gravity...) so, overall, hearing in that area just won't be 
>>> the same.
>>> The above might partly account for why, in your experiment, hearing in the 
>>> horizontal might seem better than it ought - there are simply more cues 
>>> available for sources at or near the ground? However, in the camping 
>>> example, I did find increased instances of reversals.
>>> So I had thought there might be an interaction between gravity and spatial 
>>> hearing, but realised that some of it is just down to physics - the sky 
>>> really is different from the ground, we really are sort of "2.5 d" hearers 
>>> (and thinkers?). I'd also wondered whether distance(range) perception might 
>>> differ with direction. It does (items seem nearer), but more to do with the 
>>> physics of the matter - for sources in the sky, sometimes (not always!) 
>>> there is only a direct signal path. So, distance perception as the product 
>>> of the direct/indirect ratio doesn't seem quite the right formulation.
>>> These things need some decent experimentation, it seems to me
>>> Cheers
>>> ppl
>>> Dr. Peter Lennox
>>> School of Technology,
>>> Faculty of Arts, Design and Technology
>>> University of Derby, UK
>>> e:
>>> t: 01332 593155
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [] 
>>> On Behalf Of Eric Carmichel
>>> Sent: 03 November 2012 18:54
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [Sursound] Vestibular response, HRTF database, and more
>>> Greetings,
>>> Mostly through serendipity, I have had the pleasure and privilege of great 
>>> teachers. I studied recording arts under Andy Seagle ( who 
>>> recorded Paul McCartney, Hall & Oats, and numerous others. My doc committee 
>>> included Bill Yost, who is widely known among the spatial hearing folks. 
>>> And, of course, I've learned a lot about Ambisonics from people on this 
>>> list as well as a plethora of technical articles.
>>> I recently sent an email to Bill with the following question/scenario. I 
>>> thought others might wish to give this thought, too, as it gets into HRTFs.
>>> There have been a lot of studies regarding localization in the transverse 
>>> (horizontal) plane. We also know from experiments how well (or poorly) we 
>>> can localize sound in the frontal and sagittal planes. By simply tilting 
>>> someone back 90 degrees, his/her ears shift to another plane. This is 
>>> different from shifting the loudspeaker arrangement to another plane 
>>> because the semicircular canals are now in a different orientation. If a 
>>> circular speaker array was setup in the coronal plane and the person was 
>>> lying down, then his/her ears would be oriented in such a way that the 
>>> speakers now circle the head in the same fashion as they would in the 
>>> horizontal plane when the person is seated or standing. It's a "static" 
>>> vestibular change, and gravity acting on the semicircular canals (and body) 
>>> lets us know which way is up. But do we have the same ability to localize 
>>> when the body is positioned in different orientations, even when the 
>>> sources "follow" the  orientation (as is the cas
>> in
>>>  the above example)? How about localization in low-g environments (e.g. 
>>> space docking)? The question came to me while camping. I seem able to 
>>> pinpoint sounds quite well in the (normal) horizontal plane despite a 
>>> skewed HRTF while lying down (and somewhat above ground).
>>> On another (but related) topic, I have downloaded the HRTF data from the 
>>> Listen Project, and have been sorting the participant's morphological 
>>> features. I have this in an Excel spreadsheet, and am converting this to an 
>>> Access database. Using the data, one can pick an "appropriate" HRTF 
>>> starting with gross anatomical features (such as headsize) and whittle it 
>>> down to minute features (such as concha depth or angle). I find HRTF 
>>> discussions interesting, but still argue that headphones and whole-body 
>>> transfer functions make a difference, too. Insert phones destroy canal 
>>> resonance, whereas an earcup with active drivers may have a large 
>>> "equivalent" volume, thus minimizing external meatus/earcup interaction (a 
>>> mix and match of resonances). Because of this, there can be no ideal HRTF, 
>>> even when it matches the listener.
>>> While listening to HRTF demos, the notion of auditory streaming and 
>>> auditory scenes came to mind. Some sounds were externalized, but other 
>>> sounds of varying frequencies, while emanating from the same sound source, 
>>> appeared in my head. The end result was that the externalized sounds 
>>> provided a convincing (or at least fun) illusion, but problems do persist. 
>>> A stringent evaluation of HRTF / binaural listening via headphones would 
>>> require breaking the sounds into bands and seeing if a sound's constituent 
>>> components remain outside of the head. When doing so, a brick-wall filter 
>>> wouldn't be necessary, but a filter that maintains phase coherency would be 
>>> recommended. The demo I refer to was that of a helicopter flying overhead. 
>>> Though I haven't done this (yet), it would be interesting to use FFT 
>>> filtering to isolate the turbine whine (a high-pitched sound) from the 
>>> chopper's blades. The high-pitched sound appeared to be in my head, whereas 
>>> the helicopter as a  whole seemed exter
> a
>> li
>>> zed. Again, an individualized HRTF and different phones may yield different 
>>> results. Side note: Be careful using FFT filtering--it can yield some 
>>> peculiar artifacts.
>>> I am hoping to use headtracking in conjunction with VVMic to model 
>>> different hearing aid and cochlear implant mics in space. This offers the 
>>> advantage of presenting real-world listening environments via live 
>>> recordings to study/demonstrate differences in mic polar patterns (at least 
>>> first-order patterns) and processing without the need for a surround 
>>> loudspeaker system. In fact, it's ideal for CI simulations because an 
>>> actual CI user never gets a pressure at the eardrum that then travels along 
>>> the basilar membrane, ultimately converted to nerve impulses. With VVMic 
>>> and HRTF data, I should be able to provide simulations of mics located on a 
>>> listener's head and then direct the output to one or both ears. This does 
>>> not represent spatial listening, but it does represent electric (CI) 
>>> hearing in space. Putting a normal-hearing listener in a surround sound 
>>> environment with mock processors and real mics doesn't work because you 
>>> can't isolate the outside (surround) sound from the
> i
>> nt
>>> ended simulation, even with EAR foam plugs and audiometric insert phones.
>>> VVMic and live recordings via Ambisonics is a solution to creating 
>>> "electric" listening in the real world. Again, I'm referring solely to CI 
>>> simulations. With the advent of electric-acoustic stimulation (EAS), more 
>>> than one mic is used per ear: One for the CI and a second for the HA. 
>>> Combinations of polar patterns can be created. Respective frequency 
>>> responses and processing can be sent to one or two ears (diotic and 
>>> dichotic situations). One caveat for using vocoding to mimic CIs is that 
>>> the acoustic simulation (and therefore stimulation) still necessitates a 
>>> traveling wave along the normal-hearing listener's basilar membrane. The 
>>> time it takes to establish a wave peak is not instantaneous (though 
>>> compressional waves in the the inner ear are virtually instantaneous), and 
>>> I believe a time-domain component to inner ear (mechanical) action can't 
>>> easily be excluded when using "acoustic" simulation of CIs. I suppose I 
>>> could look at data from BAERs and the Greenwood approximat
> o
>> n
>>> to account for the time-frequency interaction. Just some thinking... and 
>>> ideas to share with others interested in hearing impairments.
>>> By the way, Teemko, if you're reading this, just wanted to let you know 
>>> that Bill Yost said he'd read your thesis over the weekend. I notice that 
>>> Bill and Larry Revit are in your references list. Larry isn't a fan of 
>>> Ambisonics--said to me in a phone communication that it sounds "tinny". I 
>>> suppose it does if one were to listen through laptop speakers or from poor 
>>> source material. Not sure what his source was.
>>> -------------- next part --------------
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>> --
>> As of 1st October 2012, I have retired from the University, so this
>> disclaimer is redundant....
>> These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
>> Dave Malham
>> Ex-Music Research Centre
>> Department of Music
>> The University of York
>> Heslington
>> York YO10 5DD
>> UK
>> 'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'
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> --
> As of 1st October 2012, I have retired from the University, so this
> disclaimer is redundant....
> These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
> Dave Malham
> Ex-Music Research Centre
> Department of Music
> The University of York
> Heslington
> York YO10 5DD
> UK
> 'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'
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> End of Sursound Digest, Vol 52, Issue 6
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