On Sun, Jan 06, 2013 at 09:18:43AM +0000, Chenrilin wrote:
> Hello, all
> I have designed an array of four microphones to get B-format signal. The 
> coordinates of mics
> are mic1 (-d/2,0), mic2 (d/2,0), mic3 (0, d/2), mic4 (0,-d/2),and d is about 
> 18mm.Every opposite
> pair can be composed into a first order differential array and get a pattern 
> of figure 8. So the X
> component can be got from mic1 and mic2, the Y  component can be get from 
> mic3 and mic4.
> The W component equals to the mean of signals from four mics. Then I decoded 
> them to get the
> feeding signal for four loudspeakers, and used HRTFs to get the left and 
> right signal for headphone.
> 1.       Furthermore, the experiment is made that a person was walking around 
> the array and say
> something in an office. After processed by the method above, I find there is 
> a problem that
> the speech sounds like a person talking and moving around my head but very 
> near to my ears
> and head. What is the main reasons for this problem? Is there any suggestion 
> to make it sounds
> much further from the ears and head.
> 2.       Do I need to add the early reflection and late reverberation to the 
> four loudspeakers? In my
> understanding, the recording signal of array has included the reflection and 
> late reverberation
> signal of the office. If add another reflection signal to the feeding signal 
> of loudspeakers, they
> will contain two kind of reflection signal. Is my understanding right? 
> Apologize for this simple question.

We'll need a bit more information.

* Are the mics omnis, or directional ? If directional, what
  are the directions ?

* How exactly to you compute X and Y frm the mic signals ?

* Does the decoding work on speakers (without HRTF) ?



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