Some of the first binaural recordings I made were with the Core Sound mics 
attached to my glasses frame (mics very close to conchas, but not in the ears). 
I also made recordings of traffic sounds using the same mics and with a 
KEMAR--the mics, however, were in the KEMAR which then added a resonant peak. A 
nice plus about the Core Sound mics (and this isn't meant to advertise 
anything) is that they fit nicely in KEMAR's 1/4-inch mic clamps (B&K) as well 
as acoustical calibrators designed to accommodate 1/4-inch mics. In fact, I 
continue to use the mics in my own acoustical test fixture that has two ears on 
one side and one ear on opposite side. Impressions of my ears were made to 
create/mold the ears and canal used on the test fixture. The fixture includes a 
strain gauge so that headband force can be measured. Purpose of three-eared 
fixture: To test the efficacy of hearing protection devices to blast noises. I 
can directly compare an occluded and open ear
 with same explosive noise. Anyway... placing the Core Sound (or similar) mics 
on a person gives rise to thoughts of a full-body transfer function and 
unconscious head movements. When listening to recordings made with mics 
attached to my glasses frames, the sense of sounds below is quite remarkable. 
This includes water splashing as vehicles passed by, my own footsteps, and a 
ball bouncing. None if these sounds are as real (place-wise) with recordings 
made via KEMAR or with a second "generic" dummy head. The "full-body" 
recordings may not work for all, and I don't know how they sound when played 
through speakers. But I will certainly state that they are amazingly real 
sounding recordings. Of course, one bias may be that I had a visual of the 
auditory scene, and it was my own minute head movements that may have 
contributed to the place-realism. Always fun to experiment... and learn from 
one's own experiences.
Eric C.
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