Pity this starts off with the story about St. Marks in Venic, which may be
apocryphal.  See "Bryant, D. (1981) *“The „Cori Spezzati‟ of St. Mark‟s:
Myth and Reality” *in Early Music History, Cambridge 1981" where he says
that " ..in St Marks, at least, the eight-voice salmi spetzzati  of
Wollaert and Croce were not, as has been believed hitherto, performed
antiphonally, but rather, responsorially with four of the singers in one of
the groups and all the rest ... in the other (Bryant, 1981:169)",
contending that it is a misleading statement given by Zarlino in his Venice
1558 book Le institutioni harmoniche that gave rise to the supposition that
in St. Mark‟s the choirs were housed in the organ lofts on either side of
the choir (ie spatially separated). In fact; " Neither this assumption ...
nor the comments on which it is based are borne out by the contemporary
documents of St. Mark‟s. There are in fact four separate statements to the
contrary" (Bryant, 1981:175)


On 16 May 2013 12:07, Timothy Schmele <tim.schm...@barcelonamedia.org>wrote:

> Maybe some nice reading material:
> http://www.roebroeks.nl/wp-**content/uploads/2013/02/**
> Spatial-Music-Artist-Stories1.**pdf<http://www.roebroeks.nl/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Spatial-Music-Artist-Stories1.pdf>
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Dave Malham
Ex-Music Research Centre
Department of Music
The University of York
York YO10 5DD

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