Great - Hope we can get them to christmas :-)

They will certainly be available before I have gotten together the remote 
sensor head control sensors...

Is is a big difference between android and linux apps ? ( Android is a linux 
with other libraries) could you give us the Ambiexplorer for linux as a vst 
with control of directions via parameters.
- Bo-Erik Sandholm

-----Original Message-----
From: Sursound [] On Behalf Of Hector 
Sent: den 10 december 2013 16:25
Subject: [Sursound] Upcoming Android apps ambisonic related

Hello all,

I just wanted to share with this list information about two Android apps I've 
been working on and that I will release soon. I made them because I thought it 
would be great to be able to listen to ambisonic recordings in a portable way 
without the need of a full size computer.

The first app is called AmbiExplorer and it's a first order decoder to stereo, 
with the option of choosing binaural or virtual microphones.
You can peform soundfield rotation and microphone polar patten selection. It 
will also work with the device's orientation sensors so you could attach your 
device to headphones and have head-tracked binaural listening.

The second app is called TetraFile and it's a port of the offline command line 
utility part of Fons'  TetraProc. I made this so I could connect my portable 
recorder (in card reader mode) directly to my phone via USB OTG, transfer the 
A-format files and do a conversion to B-format and listen using AmbiExplorer. 
It will read your tetrafile calibration files from your phone's storage.

More info and a video demo are available here:

Any comments are welcome.


Hector Centeno
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