I this something that can be done?

We still don't have a simple low cost ambisonic hardware player, for first 
order in the initial implementation :-)

Here is an half assed idea I would like someone to do for us/me - I know it 
would/will take years for me if i ever get it done.

The hardware could be 
RPi with linux 
www.cmos.com/startkit         RPi Pin compatible 8 core 300 MIPS DSP with GPIO 
or XMOS sliceCard connector  15 USD.

http://www.pcm63.com/?182,ym3623b-digital-audio-interface-receiver-module    -  
I2S to ADAT 25 USD/interface.
Or https://ackspace.nl/wiki/ADAT_project implemented in multicore with 2(or 
more) TOSLink sender modules?

Maybe we can have several I2S multichannel DAC's directly on a plugin card for 
the XMOS SliceCard interface? 

Choices to make, output connected to RPi or XMOS?  ADAT directly on XMOS  to 
Toslink or via I2S with more hardware.
OR 2 x 8 channel DAC's connected to RPI or XMOS multicore I2S or other 
interface to DAC's.

A version of linux for RPi

Simple player can be recompiled to play multichannel files.
 this how it looks!
Files and directories can be added to the playlist by drag-and-drop, or by 
giving potamus command-line parameters on startup. Other players could ofcourse 
be used.

Ambdec from http://kokkinizita.linuxaudio.org/linuxaudio/ 
Can the decoding and conversion to ADAT be done in the 8 xcore processor in the 
XMOS starterkit?
Is the porting to XMOS DSP architecture easy and/or doable?
A way to change the decoding parameters that is not overly complicated.

Output via ADAT - to for example 2 of the Behringer ADA-8000,
or using http://www.wavefrontsemi.com/index.php?id=11,10,0,0,1,0#productdocsoft 
or http://electronics.dantimax.dk/Kits/Digital_audio/index.html to convert to 
and from I2S.

Choices to make, output connected to RPi or XMOS? 
 ADAT directly on XMOS  to Toslink or via I2S with more hardware?
OR 2(or more)  8 channel DAC's connected to RPI or XMOS multicore via  I2S or 
other interface for DAC's.

Similar solutions can of course be implemented with other platforms but the 
start setup without audio interfaces is low cost and almost plug and play :-) 
with this hardware setup.

Best Regards
Bo-Erik Sandholm
Stockholm Sweden

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