Ralph Glasgal wrote:

I have always advocated using four speakers even when reproducing 2.0 files.

Both the front and rear Ambiodipoles are controlled by RACE and I had been 
advising that the pairs be equidistant from the listening area.  One of my 
converts to Ambio, informed me that if you placed the rear pair much closer, 
about one fifth the distance to the fronts, that the sound was quite a bit more 
realistic sounding.  Sure enough it worked.  We call this RACE BEE for 
Recursive Ambiophonic Crosstalk Elimination/ Binaural Envelopment Effect.  It 
does seem to fit the descriptions in the literature from Griesinger and Toole 
as to what envelopment should sound like.  But this is an easy way to get it.  
This seems to be a novel (is there such a thing) psychoacoustic effect, likely 
related to the fact that in most hearing situations there are a lot of very 
very very early reflections forthcoming to ears with low correlation.  RACE at 
the rear insures that the rear
energy is not mono.  If you turn off RACE the effect disappears.

2.0 files represented via 4 speakers (in Ambiophonics): To obtain the sound/ambience from behind, are you extracting the reverb from the stereo file, or are you adding some hall response via IR convolution? (In the 2nd case: How do you determine which IR data has to be used?)

As I understand, you restore both early reflections and ambience. Therefore, you will probably use some IR data set. But how do you know which specific (hall/room) IR to apply?


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