Just did some more test on a OS 10.6.8 running Nuendo 4.3.

There I can see Daniel Courville's plugins and play with them.
I can see and use Visual Virtual Mic.
Still crashes though.
No other plugin.

I managed to play a bit with my recording in which I was talking around the microphone. When using a stereo output, with both plugins, when I was going Left, the output was Right and viceversa. Why is that?

I just dropped the "SonicBirth.framework" folder into the "Frameworks" folder, restarted but still no luck with Daniel's plugins.
Nuendo 5.5 is running at 32bit.
Nuendo 6 is running at 64 bit.

So far not much success then, and I want to think is due to my ignorance, which will give me a lot of hope in my learning curve.



On 10/07/2014 17:41, Emanuele wrote:
Thanks everyone for your inputs, really appreciated.
I just did the first test recording and what I am getting is pretty much the same results I got a while ago using B-format recordings from Ambisonia website.

So, to start, I am using Nuendo 5.5 and 6 on a OSX 10.7.5.

I am following instructions form Daniel Courville:


Once the session is set up, I get stuck mainly because I cannot see all the downloaded plugins in the plugin list. The only one I can see is Visual Virtual Mic (v.1.2) which I can load in the session even if it make my Nuendo crash frequently. Is quite frustrating, as I already tried this way a while ago and still no success. I can see the point of most of those plugins which are quite old and probably not compatible with my Nuendo versions. Daniel mentioned his own plugins and installed the latest version of those which is from June 2014, in this case I don't get why they don't work here.

I'll give it a go with an older computer running Nuendo 4, to have a look if they are compatible with that version at list.



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