I never achieved satisfactory (electronically quiet) environmental recordings 
with the portable Soundfield. Maybe the ones I used weren't properly 
calibrated: they were certainly affected by humidity.
I have had much better luck with the TetraMic - as long as radio interference 
can be kept under control.
Garth: what cable lengths are you using and are the inputs balanced?


On 07/08/2014, at 1:03 AM, Eric Benjamin wrote:

> Garth,
> I wonder why it is that your recordings are so afflicted by noise.  The self 
> noise spec for the SPS200 is 12 dBA, which is similar to that of other 
> soundfield microphones from Soundfield.  While 12 dBA isn't noise free, it 
> should be pretty quiet.  As a reference, the average threshold of 
> detectability for microphone noise is about 6 dBA, assuming a natural 
> recording scenario.  That is, assuming that the sounds are replayed at the 
> same level at which they occurred in the recording environment.
> Of course, it may be that the microphone doesn't meet specifications.
> I'm a bit confused by the recordings that you placed at
> http://listen.ame.asu.edu/sonic_events.php
> The first recording is labeled as "no audio".  The second recording is 
> labeled as "you can hear Garth open his canteen and move some things around." 
>  There's certainly a lot more noise in that second recording.  About 46 dB 
> more, unweighted.  It would be interesting to try to perform some more 
> controlled recordings to find out whether the noise is coming from the mic, 
> or not, and whether it meets specifications.
> Do you ever get to the SF bay area?
> Eric Benjamin
> On Wednesday, August 6, 2014 3:12 PM, Sampo Syreeni <de...@iki.fi> wrote:
> On 2014-08-06, Joseph Anderson wrote:
>> I take the noise profile from each individual A-format channel...
> At the risk of sounding trite, what is noise? I'd argue that it isn't 
> one thing, and that it's pretty difficult to define with mathematical 
> precision. If you're talking about environmental background, then 
> approaches like gating A-format or some other suitable directional 
> representation of sound is a good idea.
> If you're talking about tape noise instead, that isn't directional at 
> all, at least until you get into directional masking calculations over 
> what you can throw away without getting caught. In that case you'd want 
> to operationalise what you consider noise, then find out an optimal way 
> of extending that idea to B-format, and do the kind of joint processing 
> Eero suggests.
> The easiest way probably is to go with just W in the sidechain and equal 
> gating for all the channels in the main one. The next step would be to 
> do the same per frequency, and so on. However, in the ambisonic world, 
> you'll then bump into a third source: the mic. Since the Soundfield 
> works on differencing principles, W has a totally different noise 
> profile from XYZ, and typically it only gets worse from there as the 
> order goes up. (Or it doesn't; that depends wholly on the mic geometry.)
> The point is, I don't think there is a monolithic thing called "noise" 
> which can be just blindly "reduced". There never was even in monophonic 
> recordings, and the free degrees of freedom in your signal chain just 
> multiply when you go through stereo to ambisonic. So, you need to be 
> careful about which source(s) of unwanted hiss, distortion or bogus 
> sources you're talking about, you'll have to develop computationally 
> tractable models of both your utility signal and the noise, and only 
> then can you really start to combine all of the machinery into something 
> which actually works/sounds good.
> E.g. when you expand/limit A-format, implicitly your noise model is a 
> hiss which is directional to first order and your model of the utility 
> signal is something like a strong, wideband directional signal near it, 
> which makes directional sine-to-noise masking statistics relevant. Break 
> those conditions and bad things will most likely happen.
> So, try your approach on a two sine test signal, separated in frequency 
> more than a critical band's worth. Pan one of the sines due front, and 
> revolve the other one around at about 1Hz and say -6dB. Then add pink 
> noise at about -10dB to each of the B-format channels independently. I'm 
> rather sure that while your approach will work beautifully for the front 
> signal alone when adjusted right, it'll lead to nasty, anisotropic noise 
> pumping with the dynamic signal in place.
> (Oh, and by the way, which A-format? As long as you're dealing with a 
> perfect mic and linear, time-invariant filtering operation, you don't 
> have to think about that because you can go willy nilly between A and B. 
> But once you start applying this kind of processing, every possible 
> orientation of the mic gives rise to a separate A-format. Which one 
> should it be? The above example presumes one of the capsules is facing 
> towards the reference. It gets much worse if you place the source 
> directly between three adjacent capsules, in angle space.)
> -- 
> Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - de...@iki.fi, http://decoy.iki.fi/front
> +358-40-3255353, 025E D175 ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2
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Prof. Dr. David Worrall
Emerging Audio Research (EAR)
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Senior Adjunct Research Fellow,
Australian National University.

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