Foam will help but you should also include some diffusion maybe some RPG
(Random Phase Grating), maybe just some additional furniture - we once
tamed a terrible room enough to put on a concert (Assembly Room in York) by
upending a bunch of tables and placing them outside the array in a somewhat
irregular pattern - maybe even some of the very crude, old fashioned
hemispherical diffusers made with "bendy" mdf would help. Also, try moving
the array off centre in the room or changing its orientation.

P.S.  Try looking at these pages for more on diffusion;-

On 21 October 2014 06:09, Tommaso Perego <> wrote:

> Hello Everyone
> I was wondering if you could please help me solve the following problem.
> I have encountered reverberation issues with an Ambisonic installation,
> of dimension 5x5x2.5 meters (a squashed cube, so to speak).
> I have noticed that reverberation is due to the proximity to the
> surrounding walls (7x12x6), causing
> imperfect appreciation of the spatial sound designs when heard in the
> middle of the cube.
> Assuming that this is the correct understanding of the problem I was
> wondering if:
> - surrounding  the cube with the following foam material
> <
>>  (the acoustic foam)
>  would significantly reduce reverberation effect to better the definition
> inside the cube?
> - where exactly would be best to put the foam? Would just the sides
> (excluding floor and ceiling) of the cube be enough ?
> - should reducing the overall sound power improve the situation?
> Looking forward to hear your opinion, I would greatly appreciate your help
> Thank you
> kind Regards
> Tommaso
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As of 1st October 2012, I have retired from the University.

These are my own views and may or may not be shared by the University

Dave Malham
Honorary Fellow, Department of Music
The University of York
York YO10 5DD

'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'
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