On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 05:24:10PM -0000, Richard Lee wrote:
> Aaron Heller & Fons Adrieansen are your best bets.
> You need to know the polar directivity patterns of your 16 microphones and 
> their 'exact' postion.

Yep, directivity and exact positions. That would allow to compute a 
convolution matrix producing W,X,Y. As was already pointed out, the
array is ambiguous w.r.t. up or down, so there wil be no Z.

To do the processing you need a convolution matrix program. That
will depend on your computing system (Linux, OSX, Windows), as will
the exact format of the files to configure it.



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and hysterically inflated market opportunities. (Cory Doctorow)

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