The Oktava was calibrated for me by Fons Adriaensen at the Casa della Musica in Parma. The calibration files he provided are 4-channel wav files, with four impulses per channel, configured for use with Brahmavolver. That was early last year, before I also bought a Brahma. The files have been described to me by Angelo Farina as 'minimum-phase FIRs obtained by sampling the output of IIR filters'; Angelo told me that they would also work with his X-volver and with SourceForge project ConvolverVST.

I bought the Oktava as 'used' on eBay; it came with no user manual or any calibration files; as it appears to be at least 10-12 years old, I wouldn't have trusted the calibration files even if they had existed. The capsules are easy to remove and swap around and there's nothing, no markings, to say which capsule was originally in which position. Indeed, as you can see on the Oktava-Shop website, the MK-012 4D is actually sold without any capsules; the purchaser has to buy the capsules separately. The MK-012 4D is supposedly large enough to take any of the end-fire capsules from the MK-012 small-diameter range - omni, cardoid or hypercardoid (mine has four cardoid capsules), and I see the OktavaUSA website also suggests the MK-102 large diameter capsules and the MK-103 medium diameter capsules can be used.

The other oddity about my MK-012 4D is that the capsule positions are Left-Front-Down, Right-Front-Up, Left-Back-Up, Right-Back-Down; this appears to be common to the earlier production, but photos on the Oktava-Shop website now appear to show it changed in the latest models. This is different from say the Brahma or TetraMic, which has the positions Left-Front-Up, Right-Front-Down, Left-Back-Down, Right-Back-Up. However, if I simply turn the Oktava 90° to the left, then the capsules come into the conventional positions.

The European website at appears to have a lot more info than the USA website However, the pictures of the mic on the OktavaUSA website show the form of my mic, which is different from the form now shown on the European Oktava-Shop website.

Gerard Lardner

On 18/06/2015 10:24, Richard Lee wrote:
How is the Oktava Tetrahedral mike calibrated?

In what form are the calibration files?

Can you post a copy of the User Manual for it? has no info at all.
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