#641 & #650 refer to posts on the Gearslutz page


#641 describes his initial mods to the stick .. very similar (??!) to Ken's 

#650 describes putting the FETs on the capsule backplate.  This gives 
probably the most improvement.

When I emerged from the bush, I toyed with the idea of offering a similar 
souping up service for Soundfields.  But the risk of damage in transit due 
to the flimsy tetrahedron is very high and I have no access to matched 
capsule sets.

I strengthened the tetrahedron while I was at Calrec ... but not enough :(

From:   Dave Malham[SMTP:dave.mal...@york.ac.uk]
Sent:   Mon, 19 October 2015 17:48
To:     rica...@justnet.com.au; Surround Sound discussion group
Subject:        Re: [Sursound] Modified SoundField Mk IV

What's the difference between #641 and #650??


On 19 October 2015 at 06:38, Richard Lee <rica...@justnet.com.au> wrote:

> > Interesting: https://www.gearslutz.com/board/11410162-post650.html
> I endorse Rudy's mods described in #641 and #650
> Ken Farrar did something similar to his #641 mods in the Mk5
> ... but I think his post should be titled "Where Beach Bums & Angels fear
> to Tread" :)

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