> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 12:14:37 -0700
> From: Martin Leese <martin.le...@stanfordalumni.org>
> To: sursound@music.vt.edu
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] Is the LP SV-95002(D) UHJ-encoded?
> Message-ID:
>       <CAAzqGd-3AHzDUjuY+TvWM9WPzEBr7_ZAUWD=dvnynzrs+pt...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Geoffrey Barton wrote:
>> Yes I was, inasmuch as there was only one recording, which went straight
>> into UHJ 2ch PCM.
> Hi Geoffrey,
> Thank you for this.  If I have understood you
> correctly, the B-Format was not archived (only
> the two-channel UHJ) so there could not have
> been a different mix.

Hi Martin,
yes, sadly that is so.
For commercial reasons eg. no affordable 4 track digitals and the (then) high 
cost of recording on PCM1600, which was a must have for marketing reasons 
('DDD'), apart from some earlier trials, there were no parallel b-formats of 
the Unicorn commercial releases. A similar situation existed at Nimbus for some 
years once they started using the pcm1610.

But Laurie Johnson was influential in the use of UHJ as he like the fact that 
what he heard on the session ended up on the record. He even liked the Meridian 
speakers I used on his sessions and bought some for home.

> Steven Dive wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> The Discogs site has the DKP 9001 version. Is this of any use?
> Discogs.com lists four versions:
> 1.  DKP 9001
> 2.  DKP 9001
> 3.  SV-95002
> 4.  SV-95002 D  (should be "SV-95002(D)")
> I assume 1 and 2 are duplicates.

I think so.

>  I own 4,
> which states on the sleeve:
>   "The finest vinyl in the world (Japanese
>    CD-4 type) has been used for the pressings
>    ..."
> I assume 3, instead, used crappy vinyl :-)

yes, possibly. It was called re-grind. However, John Goldsmith at Unicorn was 
fastidious in doing things as well as possible, so I expect the Unicorn 
versions are as good as you will get.
The danger with unsupervised disc cutting was that there were tools, used 
routinely, which altered the L/R phase at LF to make it easier to cut. This was 
not helpful for UHJ. So, it is quite possible the two pressings do not sound 
the same!


> Regards,
> Martin
> -- 
> Martin J Leese
> E-mail: martin.leese  stanfordalumni.org
> Web: http://members.tripod.com/martin_leese/
> ------
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