
there is a preset for this in ambix_converter: ".amb / AMB plugins (full periphonic) / Tetraproc -> ambix".

Greets, Matthias

On 22/03/16 20:01, Steven Backer wrote:
Hi Martin,

If you’re already using ambiX, you might try looking at inserting the 
ambix_converter_o3 plugin between the TOACore outputs and the decoder inputs.  
It can easily take care of the conversion for you.  Note that in addition to 
channel ordering you also need to convert the normalization scheme from FuMa to 
SN3D (for input to ambiX).  The converter plugin does both.


On Mar 22, 2016, at 11:49 AM, Martin Dupras <martindup...@gmail.com> wrote:

Today I tried playback sources in third order Ambisonics on a 8+6+1
hemispheric speaker array using Reaper. It didn't quite work as
intended so I'm trying to figure out where I've gone wrong.

I was using the Blue Ripple TOA-Core panner plugin to position the
sound. I understand that Blue Rippler plugins use the Furse-Malham

The only decoders that I could find to decode to my specific array
(using coefficients that I calculated using the Ambisonics Decoder
Toolkit) were the Ambix Plug-ins and AmbDec.

I tried Ambix first, which I understand uses the ACN ordering
convention. I tried re-ordering the channels based on information that
I found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambisonic_data_exchange_formats#ACN.
But that didn't really work.

I then tried to run 16 outputs out of Reaper into Jack, and from Jack
into AmbDec, again using my ADT-calculated coefficients. I understand
that AmbDec uses the Furse-Malham convention, so I would have thought
it was compatible with the output of the Blue Rippler plugins. But
again, that didn't really work well at all.

In both cases the sound was coming from seemingly random places, and a
number of positions went practically silent.

Any advice on where to go next?

Many thanks,

- martin
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