You could, presumably, tackle this from two directions.

You could use one of the many 9 /12V Li+ powerpacks sold for running video camera accessories (see Amazon etc) which should be able to provide you with 50 hours or so of phantom running on the PPac.

Or, if you hate DC coaxial connectors as much as I do...

You could run your recorder off a similar (but maybe more professionally connectored) supply, and still use the recorder as the P48 supply.

It does slightly depend on what you are recording on, of course.

Chris Woolf

On 23-Jul-16 03:12, Halasz, Andrew wrote:
Is anyone using an external battery pack to power the TetraMic via the DC 
connector on the PPAc transmitter?  This is referenced on the Core Sound 
website.  Is there any thing available that suits this purpose?

Running phantom power on my portable recorder to the four mics goes through 
batteries insatiably.  I'm looking for an alternative phantom power source.

andrew halasz
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